Revelation of John 17

1:1 place; (b-19) Aorist, lit. 'have taken place,' perhaps 'be accomplished.' signified (c-22) * Lit. 'made known by signs.'17:4 of (d-13) Lit. 'was made golden with.' so ch. 18.16. her (e-35) Possibly, 'of the fornication of the earth.' 17:8 present. (a-61) Or 'shall come.' 17:9 mind (b-4) Nous, ver. 9 and ch. 13.18, [understanding]. see Note 1Cor. 1.5. Gnome in vers. 13,17 only; the mind expressed; as 'opinion,' 1Cor. 1.10; 7.25. 17:10 kings. (c-5) Or '... sits, and are seven kings.' 17:13 mind, (b-4) Nous, ver. 9 and ch. 13.18, [understanding]. see Note 1Cor. 1.5. Gnome in vers. 13,17 only; the mind expressed; as 'opinion,' 1Cor. 1.10; 7.25. 17:17 do (d-9) act (d-14) 'Do' and 'act' they poieo: see Rom. 1.32. mind, (e-11) mind, (e-17) See Note b, ver. 9.
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