Luke 24

1-12. The resurrection. Mt 28:1-10. Two men; angels in the form of men. Matthew and Mark mention but one. This does not make their statements inconsistent with each other, but it shows that they did not write in concert, and that each gave his own independent account. Events which the friends of Christ most dread, and against the occurrence of which they most earnestly strive, are often essential to their highest good. They should therefore never mourn as those who have no hope, at any thing which God does or suffers to be done, but should say with submission, "It is the Lord; let him do as seemeth him good." Two of them; not of the eleven apostles, but of the other disciples.

Threescore furlongs; ten ancient furlongs are equivalent to the modern geographical mile. The distance from Jerusalem to Emmaus was, then, about six geographical, or nearly seven English miles.
Their eyes were holden; kept from discovering who he was. Mr 16:12. Cleopas; supposed to be the same as Alpheus, the father of James the less and Jude. Redeemed Israel; they were thinking of an outward deliverance from bondage to the Romans, and the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. Compare Ac 1:6. O fools; this is not the same word in the original as that which Christ condemns. Mt 5:22. That implied great wickedness; this, dulness, want of reflection and discernment, as manifested in not better understanding his teaching and the Scriptures.

Slow of heart; indisposed and reluctant to believe that he must die. A more intimate acquaintance with the Scriptures, and a better understanding of them, would throw great light upon the providence of God; while it would support his people in trials, would nerve them for duty, and furnish them more thoroughly for every good work.
Ought not Christ; was it not needful, in order to fulfil the prophecies, that the Messiah should die? Did they not clearly foretell that he would be cut off, but not for himself? Da 9:26. At Moses; the books which Moses wrote, the first books of the Old Testament.

The things concerning himself; some of these things are mentioned in Ge 3:15; 49:10; Nu 21:8,9; De 18:15; Isa 9:6,7; Isa 53:1-12; Ps 16.1-11, 22.1-31, 110.1-7; Da 9:25-27; Mal 4:2-6.
Made as though he would have gone further; he kept on, giving no intimation that he would stop, till they entreated him to do so. Constrained him; by their entreaties. Sat at meat; reclined, as the custom was, at supper.

Blessed it; asked the blessing of God, and gave thanks: in this he hath set us an example which we should follow.
Their eyes were opened; the difficulties in the way of their knowing him were removed.

He vanished; disappeared. They saw him no more.
Our heart burn; glow with wonder and delight.

Opened to us the scriptures; explained to us their meaning.
Simon; Simon Peter. Peace be unto you; this was a form of salutation, and an expression of good-will. Thoughts; doubts and suspicions as to who and what he was. That it is I myself; that I have really arisen from the dead. Showed them his hands and his feet; compare Joh 20:27. Believed not for joy, and wondered; the news was so strange and joyful, that they did not believe it. Took it, and did eat before them; this was further proof of the reality of his bodily presence with them. Law of Moses--prophets--psalms; these comprehended the whole of the Old Testament; and were the names of the three portions into which it was divided by the Jews. The events of divine providence are a fulfilment of the divine word. In order to see this, and be rightly affected by it, men must have their understandings enlightened and their hearts purified by the Holy Spirit. They should therefore habitually seek his teaching; and while "careful for nothing," should "in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make known their requests unto God." He will then "supply all their need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Understand the scriptures; those portions of them which foretold his death and resurrection, which they did not correctly understand before. It behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise; otherwise he could not fulfil the prophecies concerning him, prove that he was the Messiah, or procure the salvation of men. Beginning at Jerusalem; the dwelling-place of his murderers, who had enjoyed and hitherto resisted all the means of grace. The Saviour died and rose again, that repentance and forgiveness of sins might be preached in his name to all nations; and it is his revealed will that this should be done. All therefore, as they have opportunity and ability, should aid in this work, that the knowledge of his salvation may, through grace, be enjoyed by all people. These things; his life, miracles, teaching, death, and resurrection on the third day according to the Scriptures, proving him, beyond the possibility of a mistake, to be the true Messiah, and that through repentance and faith in him, and in this way only, men can be saved. The promise of my Father; his promise to give them the Holy Spirit, to enable them to work miracles in confirmation of the truth of their testimony, and to fit them for the duties of their office. Joe 2:28,29; Ac 2:16-21.

Power from on high; the power which the Holy Spirit would give them to speak the various languages in which they would be called to preach, and do whatever might be needful to extend a knowledge of the gospel, and promote the salvation of all who should embrace it.
Bethany; a village on the side of mount Olivet, about two miles east of Jerusalem. Worshipped him; as the Messiah, the Son of God, and the Saviour of men. As the disciples who had been most fully instructed by Christ, worshipped him as he ascended to heaven, and as the inhabitants of that world worship him, ascribing "blessing, and honor, and glory, and power to Him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever;" all to whom he is made known should worship him also, that they may be fitted to join the employments and partake of the joys of heaven. Re 5:7-14. Continually in the temple; they worshipped there daily till the feast of Pentecost, which took place in about ten days. Then the Holy Spirit descended upon them in cloven tongues, like as of fire, and the promise, verse Lu 24:49, was fulfilled. Ac 2:3.
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