Luke 4

1-13. Christ's fasting and temptation in the desert. Mt 4:1-11. Temptations try human character. Though God often brings men into situations where temptations to sin are strong, he also gives them the means of resisting and overcoming them; and if they do overcome them, they will both honor him and benefit themselves. In the power of the Spirit; under his powerful supports, and amid the displays of his influence. To read; portions of the Old Testament were read in the synagogues each Sabbath. Followers of Christ, by imitating his example in habitually attending the public worship of God on the Sabbath, will find his promises to believers fulfilled in themselves; and that while worshipping in the way of his appointment on earth, they are preparing to worship him for ever in heaven. Delivered unto him; by the minister or person who had the care of the sacred records.

The place where it was written; Isa 61:1-3.
This scripture; the scripture which he had just read, and which he said was that day fulfilled, was written more than seven hundred years before, and strikingly described his character and work as the Messiah. Gracious words; words of kindness and compassion which he uttered as he explained to them the spiritual meaning of the prophecy, and the salvation which he, as the Messiah, would grant to his people. Heal thyself; this was a proverb, the meaning of which here was, What you are said to have done among strangers, do here among your acquaintance. No prophet is accepted; those who have known him when a boy especially if in circumstances beneath their own, are less likely than strangers to receive and honor him. I tell you; he told them, in illustration of what he had said and of the propriety of his conduct, of two cases recorded in their scriptures where miracles were wroght by the prophet Elijah and Elisha, not upon their fellow-countrymen, but upon foreigners: one, that of the widow of Sarepta, a gentile town between Tyre and Sidon; the other, that of Naaman the Syrian. 1Ki 17:9-24; 2Ki 5:14-17 Eliseus; this is the Greek manner of spelling the Hebrew word Elisha, as Elias is that of Elijah. Heard these things; the things he had spoken in proof of the truth of what he had said, and in justification of his having wrought more miracles at Capernaum than at Nazareth. The most eminent Old Testament prophets, by the direction of God, had gone not only from their own town, but from their country, and wrought miracles among the heathen. He might justly do the same in the displays of his grace. Thus he showed that he claimed and exercised the right to bestow his unmerited favors upon such persons and places as he saw best; that they had no just claim to his wonderful works; and that his salvation was intended for the Gentile as well as the Jew.

Filled with wrath; very angry at his teaching such doctrines. When God bestows more of his unmerited favors on some than he does on others, many are tempted to complain. But they should consider, that for all which he does, he has the wisest and best reasons. Wisdom, duty, and interest, therefore, require that we should acquiesce, and say, "Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight." It is an evidence of great depravity, when men complain that blessings are bestowed on others which they themselves reject.
Thrust him out; by force and violence.

Down headlong; to destroy him.
33-44. The devil cast out--Peter's wife's mother and others healed. Mr 1:21-39
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