1 Peter 4

1Christ, then, having suffered in flesh, do, ye also, with the same purpose, arm yourselves,—because, he that hath suffered in flesh, hath done with sins,— 2To the end that, no longer, in men’s covetings, but in God’s will, ye may live, the still remaining time. 3For, sufficient, is the bygone time—to have wrought out, the will of the nations, having gone on in wanton ways, covetings, wine-drinkings, revellings, drinking-bouts, and impious idolatries:—

4Wherein they are taken by surprise that ye run not with them into the same overflow of riotous excess,—uttering defamation: 5Who shall render an account unto him who is holding in readiness to judge living and dead; 6For, unto this end, even unto the dead, was the glad-message delivered,—in order that they might be judged, indeed, according to men in flesh, but might live according to God in spirit.

7But, the end of all things, hath drawn near:—be of sound mind, therefore, and be sober for prayers; 8Before all things, keeping, fervent, your love, among yourselves, because, love, covereth a multitude of sins; 9Showing hospitality one to another without murmuring,— 10Each one, according as he hath received a gift of favour, unto one another, ministering the same, as careful stewards of the manifold favour of God: 11If any one speaketh, as oracles of God, if any one ministereth, as of strength which, God, supplieth,—that, in all things, God may be glorified through Jesus Christ,—unto whom are the glory and the dominion, unto the ages of ages. Amen!

12Beloved! be not held in surprise by the burning among you, which, for putting you to the proof, is befalling you, as though a, surprising, thing were happening unto you; 13But, in so far as ye are taking fellowship in the Christ’s sufferings, rejoice! in order that, in the revealing of his glory also, ye may rejoice with exultation: 14If ye are being reproached in the name of Christ, happy [are ye] ! Because, the Spirit, of the glory, and the [Spirit] of God, unto you is bringing rest. 15For let, none of you, be suffering as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil-doer, or as one prying into other men’s affairs; 16But, if as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but be glorifying God in this name. 17For it is the ripe time for the judgment to begin with the house of God; but, if first with us, what shall be the end of them who yield not unto the glad-message of God? 18And, if, the righteous man, is, with difficulty, saved, where then shall, the ungodly and sinful man, appear? 19So then, let, them who are even suffering, according to the will of God, unto a faithful Creator, be committing their souls, in well-doing.

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