Isaiah 29

Ariel "Lion of God" = Jerusalem. And I will camp

Here, as often in prophecy, and especially in Isaiah, the near and far horizons blend. The near view is of Sennacherib's invasion and the destruction of the Assyrian host by the angel of the Lord (Isa. 36., 37.); the far view is that of the final gathering of the Gentile hosts against Jerusalem at the end of the great tribulation Psalms 2:5; Revelation 7:14 when a still greater deliverance will be wrought. (See "Times of the Gentiles," ; Luke 21:24; Revelation 16:14. The same remark applies also to Isaiah 28:14-18 where there is a near reference to the Egyptian alliance ("we have made a covenant," etc.), while the reference to the stone Isaiah 29:16 carries the meaning forward to the end-time, and the covenant of unbelieving Israel with the Beast. Daniel 9:27.

(See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20") See Scofield "Exodus 14:30".

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