Amos 2:6-16

Judgment on Israel

6 This is what the Lord says:
“For three offenses of aIsrael, and for four,
I will not revoke its punishment,
Because they bsell the righteous for
Lit silver
And the needy for a pair of sandals.

7 “These who
Or pant for the dust...on the head of the helpless
trample the head of the ehelpless to the dust of the earth
Also fdivert the way of the humble;
And a gman and his father
Lit go
resort to the same
Possibly a prostitute, or a temple prostitute
So as to profane My holy name.

8 “And on garments jseized as pledges they stretch out beside kevery altar,
And in the house of their God they ldrink the wine of those who have been fined.

9 “Yet it was I who destroyed the mAmorite before them,
Lit Whose height
Though his oheight was like the height of cedars
And he was as strong as the oaks;
I also destroyed his pfruit above and his roots below.

10 “And it was I who qbrought you up from the land of Egypt,
And led you in the wilderness for rforty years
So that you might take possession of the land of the sAmorite.

11 “Then I traised up some of your sons to be prophets,
And some of your young men to be uNazirites.
Is this not so, you sons of Israel?” declares the Lord.

12 “But you made the Nazirites drink wine,
And you commanded the prophets, saying, ‘You vshall not prophesy!’

13 “Behold, I am wmaking a rut in the ground beneath you,
Just as a wagon makes a rut when filled with sheaves.

14xRefuge will be lost from the swift,
And the strong will not strengthen his power,
Nor the ywarrior save his
Lit soul

15 “The one who aagrasps the bow will not stand his ground,
The swift of foot will not escape,
Nor will the one who rides the abhorse save his
Lit soul

16 “Even the
Lit strong of his heart
bravest among the warriors will aeflee naked on that day,” declares the Lord.

Amos 3:1-8

All the Tribes Are Guilty

1 Hear this word which the Lord has spoken against you, sons of Israel, against the entire
I.e., nation
agfamily which
Lit I
He brought up from the land of Egypt:

2aiYou only have I
Or chosen
known among all the families of the earth;
Therefore I will
Lit visit
alpunish you for all your wrongdoing.”

3 Do two people walk together unless they have agreed to meet?
4 Does a amlion roar in the forest when he has no prey?
Does a young lion
Lit give his voice
growl from his den unless he has captured something?

5 Does a bird fall into a trap on the ground when there is no
Lit snare
device in it?
Does a trap spring up from the earth when it captures nothing at all?

6 If a aptrumpet is blown in a city, will the people not tremble?
If a aqdisaster occurs in a city, has the Lord not brought it about?

Or For
Certainly the Lord
Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord, and so throughout the ch
God does nothing
Unless He atreveals His secret plan
To His servants the prophets.

8 A aulion has roared! Who will not fear?
The avLord God has spoken! awWho can do anything but prophesy?
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