Jeremiah 2:4-28

4 Hear the word of the Lord, house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel. 5This is what the Lord says:
aWhat injustice did your fathers find in Me,
That they went far from Me,
And walked after bemptiness and became empty?

6 “They did not say, ‘Where is the Lord
Who cbrought us up out of the land of Egypt,
Who dled us through the wilderness,
Through a land of deserts and of pits,
Through a land of drought and of
Or the shadow of death
deep darkness,
Through a land that no one crossed
And where no person lived?’

7 “I brought you into the ffruitful land
To eat its fruit and its good things.
But you came and gdefiled My land,
And you made My inheritance an abomination.

8 “The hpriests did not say, ‘Where is the Lord?’
And those who handle the Law idid not know Me;
Lit shepherds
rulers also revolted against Me,
And the kprophets prophesied by Baal
And walked after lthings that were of no benefit.

9 “Therefore I will still mcontend with you,” declares the Lord,
“And I will contend with your sons’ sons.

10 “For ncross to the coastlands of
I.e., Cyprus and other islands
Kittim and see,
And send to pKedar and observe closely,
And see if there has been anything like this!

11 “Has a nation changed gods,
When qthey were not gods?
But My people have rexchanged their glory
For that which is of no benefit.

12 “Be appalled at this, syou heavens,
And shudder, be very desolate,” declares the Lord.

13 “For My people have committed two evils:
They have abandoned Me,
The tfountain of living waters,
To carve out for themselves ucisterns,
Broken cisterns
That do not hold water.

14 “Is Israel va slave? Or is he a servant born in the home?
Why has he become plunder?

15 “The young wlions have roared at him,
They have
Lit given their voice
roared loudly.
And they have ymade his land a waste;
His cities have been destroyed, without inhabitant.

16 “Also the
Lit sons
men of aaMemphis and Tahpanhes
Lit grazed
shaved acyour head.

17 “Have you not addone this to yourself
By your abandoning the Lord your God
When He aeled you in the way?

18 “But now what are you doing afon the road to Egypt,
Except to drink the waters of the
Heb Shihor
Or what are you doing on the road to Assyria,
Except to drink the waters of the Euphrates River?

19aiYour own wickedness will correct you,
And your ajapostasies will punish you;
Know therefore and see that it is evil and akbitter
For you to abandon the Lord your God,
And althe fear of Me is not in you,” declares the Lord
Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
God of armies.

20 “For long ago
Or you
aoI broke your yoke
And tore off your restraints;
But you said, ‘I will not serve!’
For on every aphigh hill
And under every leafy tree
You have lain down as a prostitute.

21 “Yet I aqplanted you as a choice vine,
A completely faithful seed.
How then have you turned yourself before Me
Into the ardegenerate shoots of a foreign vine?

22 “Although you aswash yourself with lye
Lit acquire much soap for yourself
use much soap,
The austain of your guilt is before Me,” declares the Lord
Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord

23awHow can you say, ‘I am not defiled,
I have not gone after the axBaals’?
Look at your way in the ayvalley!
Know what you have done!
You are a swift young camel azrunning about senselessly on her ways,

24 A bawild donkey accustomed to the wilderness,
That sniffs the wind in her passion.
Who can turn her away in her mating season?
None who seek her will grow weary;
In her month they will find her.

25 “Keep your feet from being bare,
And your throat from thirst;
But you said, ‘ bbIt is
Or desperate
No! For I have bdloved strangers,
And I will walk after them.’

26 “Like the shame of a bethief when he is discovered,
So the house of Israel is shamed;
They, their kings, their leaders,
Their priests, and their prophets,

27 Who say to a tree, ‘You are my father,’
And to a stone, ‘You gave me birth.’
For they have turned their bfbacks to Me,
And not their faces;
But in the bgtime of their
Or evil
trouble they will say,
Arise and save us!’

28 “But where are your bigods
Which you made for yourself?
Let them arise, if they can bjsave you
In the time of your
Or evil
For blas many as the number of your cities
Are your gods, Judah.
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