Leviticus 21

Regulations concerning Priests

1 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them:

aNo one shall defile himself for a dead person among his people,
2 bexcept for his relatives who are nearest to him, his mother, his father, his son, his daughter, and his brother, 3also for his virgin sister who is near to him
Or who has not belonged to a man
because she has not had a husband; for her, he may defile himself.
4He shall not defile himself as a
Lit husband among
relative by marriage among his people, so as to profane himself.
5 eThey shall not shave any area on their heads bald, fnor shave off the edges of their beards, gnor make any cuts in their flesh. 6They shall be holy to their God and hnot profane the name of their God, because they present the offerings by fire
Lit of
to the Lord, jthe food of their God; so they shall be holy.
7 kThey shall not take a woman who is a prostitute and
I.e., deflowered
profaned, nor shall they take a woman divorced from her husband; for he is holy to his God.
8You shall consecrate him, therefore, because he offers mthe food of your God. He shall be holy to you; for I the Lord, who sanctifies you, am holy. 9 nAlso the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by prostitution, she profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire.

10 ‘The priest who is
I.e., the high priest
highest among his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil has been poured and
Lit whose hand has been filled
who has been consecrated to wear the garments, qshall not
Lit unbind
uncover his head nor tear his clothes;
11 snor shall he approach any dead person, nor defile himself even for his father or his mother; 12 tnor shall he leave the sanctuary nor profane the sanctuary of his God, for uthe consecration of the anointing oil of his God is on him; I am the Lord. 13He shall take a wife in her virginity. 14 vA widow, or a divorced woman, or one who is profaned by prostitution, these he shall not take; but rather he is to
Lit take as wife
marry a virgin of his own people,
15so that he will not profane his
Lit seed
children among his people; for I am the Lord who sanctifies him.’”

16 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 17“Speak to Aaron, saying, ‘None of your
Lit seed
descendants throughout their generations who has an impairment shall approach to offer the zfood of his God.
18 aaFor no one who has an impairment shall approach: a man who is blind, or one who limps, or one who has a abslit nose, or one with any conspicuous feature, 19or someone who has a broken foot or broken hand, 20or a contorted back, or one who is a dwarf, or has a spot in his eye, or a festering rash or scabs, or accrushed testicles. 21No man among the
Lit seed
descendants of Aaron the priest who has an impairment is to come forward to offer the Lord’s offerings by fire; since he has an impairment, he shall not come forward to offer aethe food of his God.
22He may eat afthe food of his God, both of the most holy and of the holy, 23only he shall not come up to the veil or approach the altar, since he has an impairment, so that he does not profane My sanctuaries. For I am the Lord who sanctifies them.’” 24So Moses spoke to Aaron and to his sons and to all the sons of Israel.

Leviticus 22

Various Rules for Priests

1 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2“Tell Aaron and his sons to be careful with the holy gifts of the sons of Israel, which they dedicate to Me, so as not to profane My holy name; I am the Lord. 3Say to them, ‘ agAny man among all your
Lit seed
descendants throughout your generations who approaches the holy gifts which the sons of Israel consecrate to the Lord, while he has an uncleanness, that person shall be cut off from My presence; I am the Lord.
4 aiNo man of the
Lit seed
descendants of Aaron, who has
I.e., leprosy or another serious skin disease
leprosy or has a discharge, may eat of the holy gifts until he is clean. alAnd one who touches anything made unclean by a corpse, or ama man who has a seminal emission,
5or ana man who touches any swarming things by which he is made unclean, or touches any person by whom he is made unclean, whatever his uncleanness; 6a
Lit soul
person who touches any such thing shall be unclean until evening, and shall not eat of the holy gifts unless he has bathed his
Lit flesh
body in water.
7But when the sun sets, he will be clean, and afterward he may eat of the holy gifts, for aqit is his
Lit bread
8He shall not eat asan animal which dies or is torn by animals, becoming unclean by it; I am the Lord. 9They shall therefore perform their atduty to Me, so that authey do not bear sin because of it and die by it because they profane it; I am the Lord who sanctifies them.

Or unauthorized person
layman, however, is to eat the holy gift; a foreign resident with the priest or a hired worker shall not eat the holy gift.
11 axBut if a priest buys a
Lit soul
slave as his property with his money,
Lit he may
that person may eat of it, and those who are born in his house may eat of his
Lit bread
12If a priest’s daughter is married to a
Lit stranger
layman, she shall not eat of the
Or uplifted offering
offering of the holy gifts.
13But if a priest’s daughter becomes a widow or divorced, and has no child and returns to her father’s house as in her youth, she may eat of her father’s
Lit bread
food; bebut no
Lit stranger
layman shall eat of it.
14 bgIf, however, someone eats a holy food unintentionally, then he shall add to it a fifth of it and shall give the holy food to the priest. 15And bhthey shall not profane the holy gifts of the sons of Israel, which they offer to the Lord, 16and thereby bibring upon them
Or wrongdoing requiring a guilt offering
punishment for guilt by eating their holy gifts; for I am the Lord who sanctifies them.’”

Flawless Animals for Sacrifice

17 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 18“Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, and say to them, ‘ bkAnyone of the house of Israel or of the strangers in Israel who presents his offering, whether it is any of their
Or vowed offerings
vows or any of their
Or freewill offerings
voluntary offerings, which they present to the Lord as a burnt offering--
19 bnfor you to be accepted--it must be a male without defect
Lit among
from the cattle, the sheep, or the goats.
20 bpWhatever has a defect, you shall not offer, for it will not be accepted for you. 21When someone offers a sacrifice of peace offerings to the Lord bqto fulfill a special vow or for a
Or freewill offering
voluntary offering,
Lit among
of the herd or
Lit among
of the flock, it must be without defect to be accepted; there shall be no defect in it.
22Those that are blind, fractured, maimed, or have a wart, a festering rash, or scabs, you shall not offer to the Lord, nor make of them an offering by fire on the altar to the Lord. 23Now as for an ox or a lamb which has an
Or a deformed
overgrown or stunted member, you may present it as a
Or freewill offering
voluntary offering, but for a vow it will not be accepted.
24Also bwanything with its testicles squashed, crushed, torn off, or cut off, you shall not offer to the Lord, nor
Lit do
sacrifice in your land,
25nor shall you offer any of these animals taken from the hand of a
Lit son of a stranger
foreigner bzas the
Lit bread
food of your God; for their deformity is in them, they have an impairment. They will not be accepted for you.’”

26 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 27“When an ox or a sheep or a goat is born, it shall
Lit be
remain ccseven days
Lit under
with its mother, and from the eighth day on it will be considered acceptable as a sacrifice of an offering by fire to the Lord.
28 ceBut, whether it is an ox or a sheep, you shall not slaughter both it and its young in one day. 29When you sacrifice cfa sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord, you shall sacrifice it so that you may be accepted. 30It shall be eaten on the same day; you shall leave none of it until morning. I am the Lord. 31 cgSo you shall keep My commandments, and do them; I am the Lord.

32 “And you shall not profane My holy name, but I will be sanctified among the sons of Israel; I am the Lord who sanctifies you, 33 chwho brought you out from the land of Egypt, to be your God; I am the Lord.”

Leviticus 23

Laws of Holy Days

1 The Lord spoke again to Moses, saying, 2“Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘ ciThe Lord’s appointed times which you shall cjproclaim as holy convocations--My appointed times are these:

3ckFor six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation. You shall not do any work; it is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your dwellings.

4 ‘These are the clappointed times of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them. 5 cmIn the
I.e., Nisan = March/April
first month, on the fourteenth day of the month
Lit between the two evenings
at twilight is the Lord’s Passover.
6Then on the fifteenth day of the same month there is the cpFeast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord; for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. 7On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall cqnot do any laborious work. 8But for seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work.’”

9 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 10“Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘When you enter the land which I am going to give to you and you crgather its harvest, then you shall bring in the sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest. 11He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord for you to be accepted; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. 12Now on the day when you wave the sheaf, you shall offer a male lamb one year old without defect as a burnt offering to the Lord. 13Its csgrain offering shall then be
About 0.13 cubic feet or 0.004 cubic meters
two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, an offering by fire to the Lord for a soothing aroma, with its drink offering, a
About 0.25 gallon or 1 liter
fourth of a hin of wine.
14Until this very day, until you have brought in the offering of your God, cvyou shall eat neither bread nor roasted grain nor new produce. It is to be a permanent statute throughout your generations in all your dwelling places.

15cwYou shall also count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering; there shall be seven complete Sabbaths. 16You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall present a cxnew grain offering to the Lord. 17You shall bring in from your dwelling places two loaves of bread as a wave offering, made of
About 0.13 cubic feet or 0.004 cubic meters
two-tenths of an ephah; they shall be of a fine flour, baked czwith leaven as first fruits to the Lord.
18Along with the bread you shall present seven one-year-old male lambs without defect, and a bull of the herd and two rams; they are to be a burnt offering to the Lord, with their grain offering and their drink offerings, an offering by fire of a soothing aroma to the Lord. 19You shall also offer daone male goat as a
Or purification offering
sin offering, and two male lambs one year old as a sacrifice of peace offerings.
20The priest shall then wave them with the bread of the first fruits as a wave offering with two lambs before the Lord; they are to be holy to the Lord for the priest. 21On this very day you shall dcmake a proclamation as well; you are to have a holy convocation. You shall do no laborious ddwork. It is to be a permanent statute in all your dwelling places throughout your generations.

22deWhen you reap the harvest of your land, moreover, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field nor gather the gleaning of your harvest; you are to leave them for the needy and the stranger. I am the Lord your God.’”

23 Again the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 24“Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘ dfIn the
I.e., Tishri = September/October
seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a
Lit Sabbath rest
rest, a direminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.
25You shall djnot do any laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord.’”

The Day of Atonement

26 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 27“On exactly dkthe tenth day of this seventh month is dlthe Day of Atonement; it shall be a holy convocation for you, and you shall humble
Lit your souls
yourselves and present an offering by fire to the Lord.
28You shall not do any work on this very day, for it is a dnDay of Atonement, doto make atonement on your behalf before the Lord your God. 29If there is any
Lit soul
person who does not humble himself on this very day, dqhe shall be cut off from his people.
30As for any person who does any work on this very day, that person I will eliminate from among his people. 31You shall not do any work. It is to be a permanent statute throughout your generations in all your dwelling places. 32It is to be a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you shall humble
Lit your souls
yourselves; on the ninth of the month at evening, from evening until evening, you shall keep your Sabbath.”

33 Again the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 34“Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘On dsthe fifteenth of this
I.e., Tishri = September/October
seventh month is the duFeast of Booths for seven days to the Lord.
35On the first day is a holy convocation; you shall dvnot do any laborious work. 36 dwFor seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord. On dxthe eighth day you shall have a holy convocation and present an offering by fire to the Lord; it is an assembly. You shall not do any laborious work.

37 ‘These are dythe appointed times of the Lord which you shall proclaim as holy convocations, to present offerings by fire to the Lord --burnt offerings and grain offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings, dzeach day’s matter on its own day-- 38besides those of the Sabbaths of the Lord, and besides your gifts and besides all your
Lit vows, and besides all your
vowed and
Or freewill offerings
voluntary offerings, which you give to the Lord.

39 ‘On exactly the fifteenth day of the seventh month, ecwhen you have gathered in the crops of the land, you shall celebrate the feast of the Lord for seven days, with a
Lit Sabbath rest
rest on the first day and a
Lit Sabbath rest
rest on the eighth day.
40Now on the first day you shall take for yourselves the
Lit products; or fruit
foliage of beautiful trees, palm branches and branches of trees with thick branches and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.
41So you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord for seven days in the year. It shall be a permanent statute throughout your generations; you shall celebrate it in the seventh month. 42You shall live egin booths for seven days; all the native-born in Israel shall live in booths, 43so that ehyour generations may know that I had the sons of Israel live in booths when I brought them out from the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’” 44So Moses declared to the sons of Israel eithe appointed times of the Lord.

Leviticus 24

The Lamp and the Bread of the Sanctuary

1 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2“Command the sons of Israel that they bring to you ejclear oil from beaten olives for the
Or luminary
light, to make a lamp
Lit ascend
burn continually.
3Outside the veil of the testimony in the tent of meeting, Aaron shall keep it in order from evening to morning before the Lord continually; it shall be a permanent statute throughout your generations. 4He shall keep the lamps in order on the empure gold lampstand before the Lord continually.

5enThen you shall take fine flour and bake twelve
I.e., ring-shaped bread loaves
cakes with it;
About 0.13 cubic feet or 0.004 cubic meters
two-tenths of an ephah shall be in each cake.
6And you shall set them in two rows, six to a row, on the eqpure gold table before the Lord. 7You shall put pure frankincense on each row so that it may be era memorial portion for the bread, an offering by fire to the Lord. 8 esEvery Sabbath day he shall set it in order before the Lord etcontinually; it is an everlasting covenant
Lit from
for the sons of Israel.
9And evit shall be for Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat it in a holy place; for it is most holy to him from the Lord’s offerings by fire, his portion forever.”

10 Now the son of an Israelite woman--his father was an Egyptian --went out among the sons of Israel; and the Israelite woman’s son and an Israelite man had a fight within the camp. 11And the son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the ewName and cursed. So they brought him to Moses. (Now his mother’s name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.) 12Then they put him in custody, waiting for Moses to give them a clear decision in accordance with exthe command of the Lord.

13 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 14“Bring the one who has cursed outside the camp, and have all who heard him eylay their hands on his head; then ezhave all the congregation stone him. 15You shall also speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘ faIf anyone curses his God, then he will bear the responsibility for his sin. 16Moreover, the one who fbblasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death; all the congregation shall certainly stone him. The stranger as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

An Eye for an Eye

17 ‘Now fcif someone
Lit strikes
takes any human life, he must be put to death.
18But fethe one who
Lit strikes
takes the life of an animal shall make restitution, life for life.
19If someone injures his neighbor, just as he has done, so shall it be done to him: 20 fgfracture for fracture, fheye for eye, tooth for tooth; just as he has injured a person, so shall it be
Lit given
inflicted on him.
21So the one who
Lit strikes down
kills an animal shall make restitution, but fkthe one who
Lit strikes down
kills a person shall be put to death.
22There shall be only fmone
Lit judgment
standard for you; it shall be for the stranger as well as the native, for I am the Lord your God.’”
23Then Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, and they brought the one who had cursed outside the camp, and stoned him with stones. So the sons of Israel did just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
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