Micah 5:6-15

6 They will ashepherd the land of Assyria with the sword,
The land of bNimrod at its entrances;
And He will crescue us from the Assyrian
When he invades our land,
And when he tramples our territory.

7 Then the dremnant of Jacob
Will be among many peoples
Like edew from the Lord,
Like fshowers on vegetation
That do not wait for man,
Or delay for
Lit sons of mankind

8 The remnant of Jacob
Will be among the nations,
Among many peoples
hLike a lion among the animals of the forest,
Like a young lion among flocks of sheep,
Which, if he passes through,
iTramples and jtears,
And there is kno one who can rescue.

9 Your hand will be llifted up against your adversaries,
And all your enemies will be eliminated.

10 “And it will be on that day,” declares the Lord,
mThat I will eliminate your nhorses from among you,
And destroy your chariots.

11 “I will also eliminate the ocities of your land,
And tear down all your pfortifications.

12 “I will eliminate qsorceries from your hand,
And you will have no fortune-tellers.

13rI will eliminate your carved images
And your memorial stones from among you,
So that you will no longer bow down
To the work of your hands.

14 “I will uproot your
I.e., wooden symbols of a female deity (Asherah)
tAsherim from among you,
And destroy your cities.

15 “And I will uexecute vengeance in anger and wrath
On the nations which have not obeyed.”

Micah 6:1-8

God’s Indictment of His People

1 Hear now what the Lord is saying,
Arise, plead your case
Lit with
before the mountains,
And let the hills hear your voice.

2 “Listen, you mountains, to the indictment by the Lord,
And you enduring wfoundations of the earth,
Because the xLord has a case against His people;
And He will dispute with Israel.

3yMy people, zwhat have I done to you,
And aahow have I wearied you? Answer Me.

4 “Indeed, I abbrought you up from the land of Egypt,
I acredeemed you from the house of slavery,
And I sent before you adMoses, Aaron, and aeMiriam.

5 “My people, remember now
What afBalak king of Moab planned
And what Balaam son of Beor answered him,
And what happened from agShittim to ahGilgal,
Lit In order to know
So that you might know the ajrighteous acts of the Lord.”

What God Requires of Mankind

6 akWith what shall I come to the Lord
And bow myself before the God on high?
Shall I come to Him with alburnt offerings,
With yearling calves?

7 Does the Lord take pleasure in amthousands of rams,
In ten thousand rivers of
I.e., olive oil
Shall I give Him my aofirstborn for my wrongdoings,
The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?

8 He has aptold you, mortal one, what is good;
And aqwhat does the Lord require of you
But to ardo justice, to aslove
Or loyalty
And to walk
Or circumspectly
avhumbly with your God?
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