‏ 1 Chronicles 16


The Ark Brought in with Exultation and Praise

1And they carried in the ark of God, and fastened it in the midst of the tent, which [2pitched 3for it 1David]. And they offered whole burnt-offerings and peace offerings before God. 2And David completed offering the whole burnt-offerings and the peace offerings, and he blessed the people by the name of the lord. 3And he divided unto every man of Israel, from man unto woman, to every man [2bread loaf 1one] of a baker, and honey-bread. 4And he arranged in front of the ark of the covenant of the lord certain of the Levites officiating, and sounding out loud, even to acknowledge and to give praise to the lord God of Israel. 5Asaph the ruler, and his second Zachariah, and Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obed Edom, and Jeiel with instruments, with stringed instruments and lutes; and Asaph with cymbals sounding out loud. 6And Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests with the trumpets sounding continually before the ark of the covenant of God. 7In that day then David arranged this psalm in the beginning of the praising the lord by the hand of Asaph and his brethren. 8Acknowledge the lord! Call upon him by his name! Make known to the peoples his practices! 9Sing to him, even sing praise to him! Describe all his wonders! what the lord did. 10Give praise in [2name 1his holy]! You shall be glad in heart seeking his good-pleasure. 11Seek the lord, and be strong! Seek his face always! 12Remember his wonders! what he did; his miracles and the judgments of his mouth. 13Seed of Israel his servants; sons of Jacob his chosen. 14He is the lord our God; [2are in 3all 4the 5earth 1his judgments]. 15Remember [2into 3the eon 1his covenant]! his word which he gave charge to a thousand generations; 16which he ordained with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac. 17And he established it to Jacob for an order, and to Israel [2covenant 1for an eternal]. 18Saying, To you I shall give the land of Canaan, a piece of measured out land for your inheritance, 19in the being of them very few in number, as few and sojourners in it. 20And they went from nation to nation, and from kingdom to [2people 1another]. 21He did not allow a man to overpower them, and he reproved [2on account of 3them 1kings], 22Saying, Touch not my anointed ones! and among my prophets do not do wickedly. 23Sing to the lord all the earth! announce from day to day his deliverance! 24Describe among the nations his glory; to all the peoples his wonders! 25For great is the lord, and praiseworthy exceedingly. He is fearful above all the gods. 26For all the gods of the nations are idols; and the lord [2the 3heavens 1made]. 27Glory and high praise are before his face; strength and boasting are in [2place 1his holy]. 28Give to the lord, O families of the nations! Give to the lord glory and strength! 29Give to the lord glory due his name! Take sacrifices, and enter before him! And do obeisance to the lord in [2courtyards 1his holy]! 30Fear before his face, all the earth! for even [3is set up 1the 2inhabitable world], which shall not be shaken. 31Be glad O heaven, and exult O earth! And let them say among the nations! the lord is reigning. 32[3shall resonate 1The 2sea] with the fullness of it; let [3exult 1the 2field], and all the things in it! 33Then [5shall be glad 1the 2trees 3of the 4grove] before the face of the lord, for he comes to judge the earth. 34Make acknowledgment to the lord for good! for [2into 3the 4eon 1his mercy]. 35And say, Deliver us, O God of our deliverance! And gather us, and rescue us from out of the nations! to praise your name, the holy one; to boast in your praises. 36Blessed be the lord God of Israel from the eon and unto the eon. And [4shall say 1all 2the 3people], Amen. And they gave praise to the lord. 37And was left behind there before the ark of the covenant of the lord Asaph and his brethren, to officiate before the ark continually to the matter, that of the day to its day. 38And Obed Edom and his brethren -- sixty and eight. And Obed Edom son of Jeduthun and Hosah were as gatekeepers. 39And Zadok the priest, and his brethren of the priests were before the tent of the lord in Bama, the one in Gibeon, 40 to offer whole burnt-offerings to the lord upon the altar of the whole burnt-offerings continually in the morning and the evening, and according to all the things being written in the law of the lord, as much as he gave charge unto the sons of Israel. 41And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest, the ones being chosen by name to praise the lord, for [2is into 3the 4eon 1his mercy]. 42And with them Heman and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals to sound out loud, and instruments for the odes of God. And the sons of Jeduthun were at the gate. 43And [5went 1all 2the 3people 4each] to his house; and David returned to bless his house.
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