‏ 1 Corinthians 3


Divisions among the Brethren

1And I, brethren, was not able to speak to you as to spiritual ones, but as fleshly ones, as infants in Christ. 2[3milk 2you 1I gave 4to drink] and not food; for not yet were you able, and neither yet now are you able. 3[3still 1For 4fleshly ones 2you are]. For where among you are jealousy and strife and discord; [2not 3fleshly ones 1are you], and [2according to 3man 1walk]? 4For whenever one should say, I indeed am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos, [2not 3fleshly ones 1are you]? 5Who then is Paul, and who Apollos? but only servants through whom you believed, and to each as the Lord gave? 6I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave growth. 7So that neither the one planting is anything, nor the one watering; but the one giving growth is God. 8[2the one 3planting 1And] and the one watering are one; and each [2his own 3wage 1shall receive] according to his own toil. 9[4of God 1For 2we are 3fellow-workers], of God's farm. [2God's 3construction 1You are].

Jesus is the Foundation

10According to the favor of God, the one being given to me, as a wise architect [2the foundation 1I set], and another builds. [3each 1But 2let] take heed how he builds! 11[3foundation 1For 2another] no one is able to set except the one being laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12And if anyone builds upon this foundation gold, silver, [2stones 1precious], wood, grass, stubble; 13[3of each 1the 2work 5apparent 4shall become]; for the day will manifest it. For by fire it is revealed; and of each work [4what it is like 1the 2fire 3shall prove]. 14If anyone's work abides which he built upon, [2a wage 1he shall receive]. 15If anyone's work shall be incinerated, he shall suffer loss; but he shall be delivered; but thus as through fire.

The Temple of God

16Do you not know that [2a temple 3of God 1you are], and the spirit of God lives in you? 17If anyone [2the 3temple 4of God 1corrupts], [2shall corrupt 3this one 1God]; for the temple of God is holy, which you are. 18[2no one 4himself 1Let 3cheat]! If anyone thinks himself to be wise among you in this eon, [2moronish 1let him become]! that he should become wise. 19For the wisdom of this world [2moronishness 3with 4God 1is]. For it has been written, He is the one grabbing the wise in their cleverness. 20And again, The Lord knows the devices of the wise, that they are vain. 21So that let no one boast among men! For all things are yours. 22Whether Paul, whether Apollos, whether Cephas, whether the world, whether life, whether death, whether things present, whether things about to be; all are yours; 23but you are of Christ, and Christ of God.
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