‏ 1 Kings 12


Rehoboam Abandons the Counsel of the Elders

1And [3went 1king 2Rehoboam] to Shechem, for [4unto 5Shechem 3came 1all 2Israel] to give him reign. 2And it came to pass as [4heard 1Jeroboam 2son 3of Nebat], and he was still being in Egypt, as he had fled from the face of king Solomon, and settled in Egypt, 3that they sent and called him. And Jeroboam came and all the people of Israel. And [3spoke 1the 2people] to king Rehoboam, saying, 4 Your father hardened our neck yoke. And you now, lighten of [3servitude 4of your father 1the 2hard], and from [3neck yoke 1his 2heavy]! of which he put upon us, and we will serve to you. 5And he said to them, Go forth for [2days 1three], and return to me! And they went forth. 6And [3reported 1king 2Rehoboam] to the elders, the ones who were standing before Solomon his father [2was still 3living 1while he], saying, How do you counsel that I should answer to this people a word? 7And they spoke to him, saying, If in this day you will be a servant to this people, and should serve them, and shall speak to them [2words 1with good], then they will be to you servants all the days. 8And he abandoned the counsel of the elders which they advised him, and he took up advice with the young men being brought up with him, of the ones standing before his face. 9And he said to them, What do you advise, and what should I answer to this people speaking to me, saying, Lighten up the neck yoke which [2put 1your father] upon us? 10And they spoke to him, the young men having been brought up with him; and they said, Thus you shall speak to this people, to the ones speaking to you, saying, Your father oppressed our neck yoke, and you now lighten it from us! Thus you shall say to them, My thinness [2thicker than 1is] the loin of my father. 11And now, my father saddled you with [2neck yoke 1a heavy], and I will add unto your neck yoke. My father corrected you with whips, but I will correct you with scorpions. 12And Jeroboam came, and all Israel to king Rehoboam on the [2day 1third] as [3spoke 4to them 1the 2king], saying, Return to me [3day 1the 2third]! 13And [3answered 1the 2king] to the people hard. And Rehoboam abandoned the counsel of the elders which they advised him. 14And he spoke to them according to the counsel of the young men, saying, My father oppressed your neck yoke, and I shall add to your neck yoke. My father corrected you with whips, and I will correct you with scorpions. 15And [3did not 4hear 1the 2king] the people, for he was converted by the lord, so that [2should stand 1his word], which he spoke by the hand of Ahijah the Shilonite over Jeroboam son of Nebat. 16And [3knew 1all 2Israel] that [3did not hearken to 4them 1the 2king]. And [3answered 1the 2people] to the king, saying, What is our portion with David? and, There is no inheritance to us with the son of Jesse. Run, O Israel, to your tents! Now graze your own house, David! And Israel went forth to his tents. 17And the sons of Israel, the ones dwelling in the cities of Judah -- [2reigned 3over 4them 1Rehoboam]. 18And [3sent 1king 2Rehoboam] Adoram, the one for collecting the tribute. And [3stoned 4him 5with 6stones 1all 2Israel], and he died. And king Rehoboam anticipated to ascend upon the chariot to flee into Jerusalem. 19And Israel annulled allegiance with the house of David until this day.

Jeroboam Reigns in Israel

20And it came to pass as [3heard 1all 2Israel] that Jeroboam returned from out of Egypt, that they sent and called him to the congregation. And they gave him reign over Israel. And there was none following after the house of David except the chiefdom of Judah and Benjamin only. 21And Rehoboam entered into Jerusalem, and he held an assembly of all the congregation of Judah, and the chiefdom of Benjamin -- a hundred and twenty thousand young men for making war, to wage war against the house of Israel, to return the kingdom of Rehoboam son of Solomon. 22And there came to pass the word of the lord to Shemaiah the man of God, saying, 23Speak to Rehoboam son of Solomon king of Judah, and to all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and to the rest of the people! saying, 24Thus says the lord, You shall not ascend, nor wage war with your brethren of the sons of Israel. Let [2return 1each] to his house! for from me [2has taken place 1this thing]. And they hearkened to the word of the lord, and they ceased to go against the thing of the lord. 25And Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and he dwelt in it. And he went forth from there and built Penuel.

Jeroboam Makes Two Heifers of Gold

26And Jeroboam said in his heart, Behold, now [3shall return 1the 2kingdom] to the house of David, 27if [2should ascend 1this people] to offer a sacrifice in the house of the lord in Jerusalem, then [5shall turn 1the 2heart 3of the 4people] towards their master, to Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me. 28And [3consulted 1the 2king], and made two heifers of gold. And he said to the people, Let it be enough for you to ascend to Jerusalem! Behold, your gods, O Israel, the ones leading you from out of the land of Egypt. 29And he put the one in Beth-el, and the other one he put in Dan. 30And [3came to pass 2account 1this] for sin. And [3went 1the 2people] after the one unto Dan. 31And he made houses upon high places, and he appointed priests from any part of the people who were not of the sons of Levi. 32And Jeroboam made a holiday feast in the [2month 1eighth], on the fifteenth day of the month, according to the holiday, the one in Judah. And he ascended unto the altar which he made in Beth-el, to sacrifice to the heifers which he made. And he placed in Beth-el the priests of the high places which he made. 33And he ascended unto the altar which he made in the fifteenth day in the [2month 1eighth], in the holiday which he shaped out of his own heart. And he made the holiday for the sons of Israel, and he ascended unto the altar to sacrifice upon it.
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