‏ 1 Kings 19


Elijah Flees from Jezebel

1And Ahab announced to Jezebel all as much as Elijah did, and as to kill the prophets by the broadsword. 2And Jezebel sent to Elijah, and said, Thus may [3do 4to me 1the 2gods], and thus may they add, that this hour tomorrow I shall put your life as the life of one of them. 3And Elijah feared, and rose up, and went forth for his life. And he came into Beersheba of Judah. And he left his servant-lad there. 4And he went by the wilderness way a day. And came and stayed underneath a broom shrub, and he asked for his life to die. And he said, It is fit now, O lord, take indeed my life from me! for [3no 4better 1I 2am] than my fathers. 5And he bedded down and slept there under a plant. And behold, a certain angel touched him, and said to him, Rise up, and eat! 6And he looked. And behold, by his head was a cake baked in hot ashes of oaten bread, and a jar of water. And Elijah rose up and ate and drank. And he returned and went to bed. 7And [4returned 1the 2angel 3of the lord] a second time, and touched him, and said to him, Rise up, eat! for [3is great 4for 5you 1the 2journey]. 8And he rose up, and ate and drank. And he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights unto mount Horeb.

The LORD Is in the Fine Breeze

9And he entered there into the cave, and rested up there. And behold, a word of the lord came to him. And he said, Why are you here, Elijah? 10And Elijah said, Being zealous, I am zealous for the lord almighty, for [4abandoned 5you 1the 2sons 3of Israel]. Your altar they razed, and your prophets they killed by the broadsword, and [3am left 1I 2alone], and they seek my life to take it. 11And he said, You shall go forth and stand before the lord in the mountain! and behold, the lord will go by. And [3wind 1there was a great 2strong] parting the mountains, and breaking rocks before the lord; [2was not 3in 4the 5wind 1but the lord]. And after the wind a rumbling; [2was not 3in 4the 5rumbling 1but the lord]. 12And after the rumbling a fire; [2was not 3in 4the 5fire 1but the lord]. And after the fire a sound [2breeze 1of a fine] -- there was the lord. 13And it came to pass as Elijah heard, that he covered over his face with his sheepskin, and he went forth and stood by the cave. And behold, before him was a voice, and he said, Why are you here, Elijah? 14And Elijah said, Being zealous, I am zealous for the lord God almighty, for [4abandoned 5your covenant 1the 2sons 3of Israel], your altars they razed, and your prophets they killed by the broadsword, and [3am left 1I 2alone], and they seek my life to take it.

Elijah Anoints Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha

15And the lord said to him, Go, return to your journey! And you shall come unto the way of the wilderness of Damascus, and you shall anoint Hazael as king over Syria. 16And Jehu son of Nimshi you shall anoint as king over Israel. And Elisha son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah you shall anoint as prophet instead of you. 17And it will be the one being delivered from the broadsword of Hazael, Jehu shall put to death. And the one being delivered from the broadsword of Jehu, Elisha shall put to death. 18And I shall leave behind in Israel seven thousand men, all knees which do not bend the knee to Baal, and every mouth which does not do obeisance to him. 19And he went forth from there, and he finds Elisha son of Shaphat, and he was plowing with oxen. Twelve teams were before him, and he was among the twelve. And [2went forth 3unto 4Elisha 1Elijah], and he tossed upon him his sheepskin. 20And Elisha left the oxen, and he ran after Elijah, and said, I shall kiss my father and my mother, and I shall follow after you. And he said to him, Go, return! for I have done it to you. 21And he returned from following after him. And he took the teams of oxen, and he sacrificed and cooked them by the equipment of the oxen, and he gave to the people and they ate. And he rose up, and went after Elijah, and ministered to him.
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