‏ 1 Kings 22


Jehoshaphat Allies with Ahab

1And he stayed in place three years, and there was no war between Syria and between Israel. 2And it came to pass in the [2year 1third], that [4went down 1Jehoshaphat 2king 3of Judah] to the king of Israel. 3And [3said 1the king 2of Israel] to his servants, Do you know that [3is ours 1Ramoth 2Gilead], and we keep silent to not take it from out of the hand of the king of Syria? 4And [3said 1the king 2of Israel] to Jehoshaphat, Shall you not ascend with me unto Ramoth Gilead for war? 5And Jehoshaphat said, As you, thus also I. As your people, thus also my people. As your horses, so also my horses. And [4said 1Jehoshaphat 2king 3of Judah] to the king of Israel, Ask indeed today of the lord. 6And [4gathered together 1the 2king 3of Israel] all the prophets, about four hundred men. And said to them, Shall I go unto Ramoth Gilead for war, or wait? And they said, Ascend! for by giving, the lord shall give into the hands of the king. 7And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, Is there not here a prophet of the lord, and we shall ask the lord through him? 8And [4said 1the 2king 3of Israel] to Jehoshaphat, Yet there is one man for the asking the lord through him, and I detest him, for he does not speak concerning me for good things, but only bad -- Micaiah son of Imlah. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not [3speak 1the 2king] so. 9And [4called 1the 2king 3of Israel 6eunuch 5one], and he said, Quickly bring Micaiah son of Imlah. 10And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah sat down each upon his throne, armed, at the threshing-floor gate of Samaria. And all the prophets prophesied before them. 11And [4made 5for himself 1Zedekiah 2son 3of Chenaanah] horns of iron. And he said, Thus says the lord, By these you shall gore the Syrian until whenever you finish them off entirely. 12And all the prophets prophesied thus, saying, Ascend unto Ramoth Gilead! and your way shall prosper, and the lord shall put into your hands the king of Syria. 13And the messenger, the one going to call Micaiah spoke to him, saying, Behold, indeed all the prophets speak [2mouth 1by one] good things concerning the king. Let it be indeed that you be with words according to the words of one of these, and speak good! 14And Micaiah said, As the lord lives, that what ever the lord should say to me, these things I shall speak. 15And he came to the king. And [3said 4to him 1the 2king], Micaiah, Shall I ascend to Ramoth Gilead for war, or wait? And he said to him, Ascend! and the lord shall prosper the way in the hand of the king. 16And [3said 4to him 1the 2king], How often shall I adjure you that you should speak to me the truth in the name of the lord?

Micaiah Prophesies Defeat

17And Micaiah said thus, I see all Israel being scattered in the mountains as sheep in which there is no shepherd. And the lord said, There is no lord to these, let [2return 1each] to his house in peace! 18And [4said 1the 2king 3of Israel] to Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Did I not say to you that [2would not 3prophesy 1this one 5unto me 4good things], but only bad? 19And Micaiah said, On account of this hear the word of the lord! I saw the lord God of Israel sitting upon his throne, and all the military of the heaven standing about him at his right, and at his left. 20And the lord said, Who shall deceive Ahab king of Israel, that he shall ascend in Ramoth Gilead and shall fall there? And this one said thus, and this other one thus. 21And [2came forth 1a spirit], and stood before the lord. And he said, I will deceive him. 22And [2said 3to 4him 1the lord], In what way? And he said, I shall go forth, and I shall be [2spirit 1a lying] in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, You shall deceive, and indeed you will be able. Go forth, and do so! 23And now, behold, the lord has put [2spirit 1a lying] in the mouth of all [2your prophets 1these], and the lord spoke against you bad things. 24And [4came forward 1Zedekiah 2son 3of Chenaanah], and he struck Micaiah upon the jaw, and he said, What kind of spirit of the lord departed from me to speak with you? 25And Micaiah said, Behold, you shall see in that day, whenever you shall enter an inner chamber of the storeroom to hide.

Micaiah Put under Guard

26And [4said 1the 2king 3of Israel], Take Micaiah, and return him to Amon the ruler of the city, and to Joash son of the king! 27And say, Thus says the king, Put him in prison, and let him eat bread of affliction and water of affliction until my return in peace! 28And Micaiah said, If in returning, you should return in peace, [2did not 3speak 1the lord] by me. And he said, Let [4hearken 1all 2the 3people]! 29And [4ascended up 1the 2king 3of Israel], and Jehoshaphat king of Judah with him unto Ramoth Gilead. 30And [4said 1the 2king 3of Israel] to Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I shall cover up myself, and enter into the battle; and you put on my clothes! And [4covered himself up 1the 2king 3of Israel], and he entered into the battle. 31And the king of Syria gave charge to the rulers of his chariots -- thirty and two, saying, Do not do battle against the small or great, but the king of Israel alone. 32And it came to pass as [5saw 1the ones 2in charge 3of the 4chariots] Jehoshaphat king of Judah, that they said, It appears that [2is the king 3of Israel 1this one]. And they encircled him to do battle. And Jehoshaphat shouted aloud. 33And it happened as [5saw 1the 2rulers 3of the 4chariots] that [2is not 3the king 4of Israel 1this], that they turned away from him.

Ahab Dies in Battle

34And [3stretched tight 1one 4the 5bow 2merely], and it struck the king of Israel between the lungs and between the chest plate. And he said to his charioteer, Turn your hand and lead me out of the battle! for I have been wounded. 35And [3turned 1the 2war] in that day. And the king was set upon the chariot right opposite Syria, from morning until evening. And [3poured out 1the 2blood] from the wound into the cavity of the chariot. 36And [3stood 1the 2herald of the army] in the camp until the going down of the sun, saying, Each to his own city, and each to his own land, 37for [3has died 1the 2king]. And they went unto Samaria, and they entombed the king in Samaria. 38And they washed the blood from the chariot at the fountain of Samaria. And [3licked up 1the 2dogs] the blood, and the harlots bathed in the blood, according to the saying of the lord which he spoke. 39And the rest of the words of Ahab, and all which he did, and the house of ivory which he built, and all the cities which he made, [3not 1behold 5these 2have] been written in the scroll of the words of the days of the kings of Israel? 40And Ahab slept with his fathers; and [3reigned 1Ahaziah 2his son] instead of him.

Jehoshaphat Reigns in Judah

41And Jehoshaphat son of Asa reigned over Judah in [2year 1the fourth] of Ahab king of Israel. 42And Jehoshaphat was thirty and five years old in his taking reign; and [2twenty 3and 4five 5years 1he reigned] in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Azubah daughter of Shilhi. 43And he went in all the way of Asa his father. He turned not aside from it, to do the upright in the eyes of the lord. Except the high places he did not lift away; for the people sacrificed and burnt incense on the high places. 44And Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of Israel. 45And the rest of the words of Jehoshaphat, and his dominions which he had, [4not 1behold 3these 2are] written in the scroll of the words of the days of the kings of Judah? 46And the rest of the ones being initiated of the things being forsaken in the days of Asa his father he removed from the land. 47And a king was not established in Edom. 48And Jehoshaphat prepared ships of Tarshish to go unto Ophir because of gold. And they did not go; for [3were destroyed 1the 2ships] in Ezion Geber. 49Then [4said 1Ahaziah 2son 3of Ahab] to Jehoshaphat, Let [2go 1my servants] with your servants. And [2did not 3want it 1Jehoshaphat].

Death of Jehoshaphat

50And Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and they entombed him by his fathers in the city of David his fore father. And [3reigned 1Jehoram 2his son] instead of him. 51And Ahaziah son of Ahab reigned over Israel in Samaria. In [2year 1the seventeenth] of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Ahaziah son of Ahab reigned over Israel in Samaria two years. 52And he acted wickedly before the lord, and went in the way of Ahab his father, and in the way of Jezebel his mother, and in the sins of the house of Jeroboam son of Nebat, who led Israel into sin. 53And he served to the Baalim, and did obeisance to them, and provoked to anger the lord God of Israel, according to all what [2did 1his father].
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