‏ 1 Timothy 1


Paul's Exhortation to Teach Sound Doctrine

1Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the command of God the father, and our deliverer Jesus Christ, the one of our hope, 2to Timothy genuine child in belief; favor, mercy, peace from God our father, and Jesus Christ our Lord. 3As I appealed to you to remain in Ephesus, going to Macedonia, that you should exhort some not to teach a different doctrine, 4nor take heed to fables, and [2genealogies 1unlimited], which [2inquiries 1make for] rather than the administration of God, the one in belief. 5But the end of the exhortation is love from out of a clean heart, and [2conscience 1a good], and [2of belief 1unpretentious]; 6which some having missed their aim, turn aside to useless discussion, 7wanting to be teachers of the law, not comprehending what they say, nor concerning what they positively assert. 8But we know that [3is good 1the 2law], if anyone [2it 3lawfully 1should treat]; 9knowing this, that for the just the law is not situated, but for the lawless and unsubmissive ones, impious and sinners, unholy and profane, murderers of one's father and murderers of one's mother, manslayers, 10fornicators, homosexuals, slave traders, liars, perjurers, and if anything other [2to healthy 3instruction 1is an adversary], 11according to the good news of the glory of the blessed God, which I was entrusted. 12And [2gratitude 1I have] to the one empowering me -- [3Christ 4Jesus 1to 2our Lord], that [2trustworthy 1he esteemed me], appointing me to service; 13I the formerly being blasphemous, and a persecutor, and arrogant. But I was shown mercy, for being ignorant I acted in unbelief. 14[5more than superabounded 1But 2the 3favor 4of our Lord] with belief and love, the one in Christ Jesus. 15Trustworthy is the word, and [2of all 3acceptance 1worthy], that Christ Jesus came into the world [2sinners 1to deliver], whom [2foremost 1I am]. 16And because of this I was shown mercy, that in me [4foremost 3should demonstrate 1Jesus 2Christ] all leniency, for setting a pattern for the ones being about to believe upon him unto life eternal. 17And to the king of the eons, incorruptible, unseen, only wise God, be honor and glory to the eons of the eons. Amen. 18This exhortation I place unto you, son Timothy, according to the [2going before 3over 4you 1prophecies], that you should soldier in them the good warfare, 19having belief and good conscience; which some having thrust away concerning the belief made shipwreck; 20whom are Hymeneus and Alexander; whom I delivered up to Satan, that they may be corrected not to blaspheme.
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