‏ 2 Chronicles 20


The Nations Wage War on Jehoshaphat

1And after these things came the sons of Moab, and the sons of Ammon, and with them ones of the Ammonites against Jehoshaphat for war. 2And they came and reported to Jehoshaphat, saying, [3comes 4against 5you 2multitude 1a vast] from the other side of the sea, from Syria; and behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar -- this is En-gedi. 3And Jehoshaphat feared and put his face to seek after the lord. And he proclaimed a fast in all Judah. 4And Judah gathered to seek after the lord; and they came from all the cities of Judah to seek the lord. 5And Jehoshaphat rose up in the assembly of Judah in Jerusalem, in the house of the lord, in front of the [2courtyard 1new], 6and he said, O lord God of our fathers, [2you not 1are] God in heaven? And do you not dominate all the kingdoms of the nations? And is not in your hand strength and dominion, and there is no one [2against 3you 1to oppose]? 7[2you not 1Are] our God, the one utterly destroying the ones dwelling this land from in front of your people Israel, and gave it to the seed of Abraham, to your friend into the eon? 8And they dwell in it, and built to you in it a sanctuary to your name, saying, 9If [2should come 3against 4us 1evils] -- the broadsword, judgment, plague, famine, we will stand before this house, and before you, (for your name is called upon in this house,) and we will yell to you from our affliction, and you shall hear and shall deliver.

The Battle Is The LORD's

10And now, behold, the sons of Ammon, and Moab, and mount Seir, in which you did not grant Israel to go through them, in their coming forth from out of the land of Egypt, for they turned aside from them, and they did not utterly destroy them -- 11and behold, they make an attempt against us, to come and to cast us from our inheritance, of which you have given to us. 12O lord our God, will you not judge them? For there is not to us strength to oppose against [2multitude 1this vast] coming against us. And we do not know what we should do, but [2are unto 3you 1our eyes]. 13And all Judah stood before the lord, and their children, and their wives, and their sons. 14And Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, son of Benaiah, son of Jeiel, son of Mattaniah the Levite of the sons of Asaph -- came upon him spirit of the lord in the assembly. 15And he said, Hearken all Judah, and the ones dwelling in Jerusalem, and king Jehoshaphat! Thus says the lord to you, Do not fear nor be terrified from the face [3multitude 2vast 1of this]! for [4not 5to you 3is 1the 2battle array], but to God. 16Tomorrow go down against them! Behold, they ascend according to the ascent of Ziz; and you shall find them at the tip of the river of the wilderness of Jeruel. 17[2not 3for you 1It is] to wage war in this. Stand, and perceive, and see the deliverance of the lord with you, O Judah, and Jerusalem! Do not fear nor be terrified tomorrow coming forth for meeting them! for the lord is with you. 18And Jehoshaphat bowed upon his face upon the earth; and all Judah and the ones dwelling Jerusalem fell before the lord, to do obeisance to the lord. 19And [3rose up 1the 2Levites] from the sons of Kohath, and from the sons of the of Korahites, to give praise to the lord, to the God of Israel with [2voice 1a great] unto the height. 20And they rose early in the morning, and they went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa. But in their going forth, Jehoshaphat stood and yelled, and said, Hear me, O Judah, and O ones dwelling in Jerusalem! Entrust in the lord your God! and you will be entrusted. Entrust in his prophet! and your way will be prosperous. 21And being advised with the people, and he stationed psalm singers and ones praising the lord, to acknowledge and to praise in the holy, in the going forth before the force. And they said, Give acknowledgment to the lord, for into the eon is his mercy! 22And when they began the praise and the acknowledgment, the lord appointed an ambush [4to wage war 1for the 2sons 3of Ammon] against Moab and mount Seir of the ones coming forth against Judah; and they put them to flight.

Jeshoshaphat's Enemies Destroy Themselves

23And there rose up the sons of Ammon and Moab against the ones dwelling in mount Seir, to utterly destroy and to obliterate them. And as they finished off the ones dwelling in Seir, they rose up against one another, and [2took 1a man] his neighbor for hurt. 24And Judah came upon the height in the wilderness, and looked. And they beheld the multitude, and behold, all were dead having fallen upon the ground; there was not one surviving. 25And Jehoshaphat came forth, and his people, to despoil their spoils. And they found [2cattle 1much], and belongings, and spoils, and [2items 1desirable]. And they despoiled for themselves. And they were [2days 1three] plundering the spoils, for there was much. 26And on the [2day 1fourth] they assembled in the Valley of the Blessing; for there they blessed the lord. On account of this they call the name of that place, Valley of Blessing, until this day. 27And [4returned 1every 2man 3of Judah] to Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat the one leading them returned to Jerusalem in [2gladness 1great], for [2gladdened 3them 1the lord] from their enemies. 28And they entered into Jerusalem with stringed instruments, and lutes, and with trumpets into the house of the lord. 29And came to pass a change of state of the lord upon all the kingdoms of the earth, in their hearing that the lord waged war with the ones being opponents of Israel. 30And [4had peace 1the 2kingdom 3of Jehoshaphat], and [2rested 3him 1his God] round about. 31And Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah, being thirty-five years old in his taking reign, and twenty and five years he reigned in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Azubah daughter of Shilhi. 32And he went in the ways of Asa his father. And he did not turn aside from them, to do upright before the lord. 33Only the high places he did not remove, and still the people did not straighten out their heart to the lord God of their fathers. 34And the rest of the words of Jehoshaphat, the first and the last, behold, they are written in the words of Jehu the son of Hanani, which he wrote down upon a scroll of the kings of Israel. 35And after these things, [4participated 1Jehoshaphat 2king 3of Judah] with Ahaziah king of Israel. And he acted lawlessly to do. 36And he participated with him to make boats even to go to Tarshish. And he made boats in Ezion Gaber. 37And [7prophesied 1Eliezer 2the 3son of 4Dodavah 5from 6Mareshah] against Jehoshaphat, saying, As you participated with Ahaziah, the lord cut through your works, and [2were broken 1your boats], and they were not able to go into Tarshish.
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