‏ 2 Chronicles 7


Fire from Heaven

1And as Solomon completed praying, and fire came down from out of the heaven, and it devoured the whole burnt-offerings and the sacrifices; and the glory of the lord filled the house. 2And [3were not able 1the 2priests] to enter into the house of the lord at that time, for [3filled 1the glory 2of the lord] the house of the lord. 3And all the sons of Israel seeing [3come down 1the 2fire], and the glory of the lord upon the house, and they fell upon their face upon the ground, upon the stone pavement, and they did obeisance and gave praise to the lord, saying, For he is good, for [2is into 3the 4eon 1his mercy]. 4And the king and all the people were sacrificing the things offered for sacrifices before the lord.

Dedication of the Temple

5And [3sacrificed 1king 2Solomon] the sacrifice of calves -- twenty and two thousand, and pastured sheep -- a hundred and twenty thousand. And [7dedicated 8the 9house 10of God 1the 2king 3and 4all 5the 6people]. 6And the priests [2at 3their watches 1were standing], and the Levites with instruments of odes of the lord, which [4made 1David 2the 3king], to acknowledge before the lord, that [2is into 3the 4eon 1his mercy], along with the hymns of David by their hand. And the priests were trumpeting trumpets opposite them, and all Israel was standing. 7And Solomon sanctified the middle of the courtyard, of the one in the house of the lord; for he offered there the whole burnt-offerings, and the fat of the deliverance offerings; for the altar of brass which Solomon made did not suffice to take the whole burnt-offerings, and the gift offerings, and the fat. 8And Solomon observed the holiday at that time for seven days, and all Israel with him; [3assembly 2great 1an exceedingly], from the entrance of Hamath, and unto the rushing stream of Egypt. 9And he made on the [2day 1eighth] a holiday recess; for dedication of the altar he observed seven days, and the holiday seven days. 10And on the [4day 1third 2and 3twentieth] of the [2month 1seventh] he sent the people to their tents being glad and with a good heart over the good things which the lord did to David, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people. 11And Solomon completed the house of the lord, and the house of the king. And all as much as Solomon wanted in his soul to do with the house of the lord, and in his house, he was prospered. 12And the lord appeared to Solomon in the night, and said to him, I heard your prayer, and I chose in this place to myself for a house of sacrifice. 13If I should hold up the heaven, and [2does not 3happen 1rain], and if [3should be given charge 1the 2locust] to eat up the land, and if I send a plague among my people, 14and they should have shame (my people upon whom call upon my name) upon them, and should pray, and should seek my face, and should turn from [3ways 1their 2wicked], then I shall listen from the heaven, and [2propitious 1I will be] to their sins, and I will heal their land. 15And now, my eyes will be open, and my ears attentive to the prayer of this people. 16And now, I chose and I have sanctified this house, [2to be 1for my name] there unto the eon. And [4will be 1my eyes 2and 3my heart] there all the days. 17And if you should go before me as [3went 1David 2your father], and should do according to all what I gave charge to you, and [2my orders 3and 4my judgments 1keep]; 18then I will raise up the throne of your kingdom as I ordained to David your father, saying, There shall not be removed to you a man ruling in Israel.

Warnings of Judgment

19But if you should turn, and should abandon my orders, and my commandments, which I put before you, and you should go and should serve other gods, and should do obeisance to them, 20then I will remove you from the land of which I gave to you; and this house which I sanctified to my name I will disown it from my face, and I will appoint it for a parable, and for a tale among all the nations. 21And this house, which was exalted -- everyone traveling by it shall be amazed, and shall say, For why did the lord do thus to this land, and to this house? 22And they shall say, Because they abandoned the lord, the God of their fathers, the one leading them from out of the land of Egypt; and they took hold of other gods, and they did obeisance to them, and they served to them. On account of this he brought upon them all this evil.
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