‏ 2 Corinthians 1


Concerning Affliction and Comfort

1Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, through the will of God, and Timothy the brother, to the assembly of God, to the one being in Corinth, with [2the 3holy ones 1all], to the ones being in all Achaia. 2Favor to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of the compassions, and God of all comfort; 4the one comforting us in all our affliction, for the enabling us to comfort the ones in every affliction, through the consolation of which we are comforted in ourselves by God. 5For as [5abound 1the 2sufferings 3of the 4Christ] in us, so through Christ [2also abounds 1our comfort]. 6But whether we are afflicted for your comfort and deliverance of the one being energized in the endurance of the same sufferings, which also we suffer, 7(and our hope is firm for you;) or whether we are comforted, it is for your comfort and deliverance; knowing that as [2partners 1you are] of the sufferings, so also of the comfort. 8[3not 1For 2we do] want you to be ignorant, brethren, as to our affliction, of the one happening to us in Asia, that [2in 3excess 1we were weighed down] beyond power, so as for us to be destitute even of living. 9But we [5in 6ourselves 2the 3sentence 4of death 1have had], that [2not 4relying 1we should 3be] upon ourselves, but upon God, the one raising the dead. 10Who from out of such a death rescued us, and does rescue; in whom we have hope that also still he shall rescue; 11working along with you also for us by supplication, that by many persons the [2to 3us 1favor 5through 6many 4should be for giving thanks] for you. 12 For [3our boasting 1this 2is] -- the testimony of our conscience, that in singleness and honesty of God, (not in [2wisdom 1fleshy], but by favor of God) we behaved in the world, and more exceedingly to you. 13For not another thing do we write to you, other than what you read or also recognize; and I hope that even until the end you will recognize; 14as also you recognized us in part; for [2boasting 1we are your], just as also you are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus. 15And in this reliance I was wanting to come to you prior, that a second favor you should have; 16and by you to go through into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and by you to be sent forward into Judea. 17This then planning, lest anything [2it 3in lightness 1did I treat]? or what I planned, [2according to 3the flesh 1did I plan] that there might be by me the yes, yes, and the no, no? 18But trustworthy is God, that our word to you became not yes and no. 19For the son of God, Jesus Christ, the one among you [2by 3us 1being proclaimed], (by me and Silas and Timothy,) was not yes and no, but [2yes 3in 4him 1became]. 20For as many promises of God there are, in him is the yes, and in him the amen to God for glory by us. 21And the one firming us with you unto Christ, and having anointed us, is God; 22even the one setting a seal upon us, and having given the deposit of the spirit in our hearts. 23And I [2as witness 1call upon God] upon my soul, that sparing you, no longer did I come to Corinth. 24Not that we dominate [3of yours 1of the 2belief], but we are fellow-workers of your joy; for in the belief you stand.
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