‏ 2 Kings 11


Athaliah Destroys the Seed of the Kingdom

1And Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that [2died 1her son], and she rose up and destroyed all the seed of the kingdom. 2And [7took 1Jehosheba 2daughter 3of king 4Jehoram 5sister 6of Ahaziah] Joash, the son of her brother, and she stole him away from the midst of the sons of the king, of the ones being put to death, him and his nurse. And she hid him in the inner chamber of the beds from the face of Athaliah, and he was not put to death. 3And he was with her in the house of the lord being hid six years. And Athaliah reigned over the land.

Jehoiada Reveals Joash to the Forces

4And in the [2year 1seventh 6sent 3Jehoiada 4the 5priest] and took the commanders of hundreds of the patrols, and of the couriers, and brought them in to himself in the house of the lord. And he ordained with them a covenant, and he bound them to an oath in the presence of the lord. And he showed to them the son of the king. 5And he gave charge to them, saying, This is the thing which you shall do; the third part of you -- the ones entering on the Sabbath, let them guard the watch of the house of the king! 6And the third part in the gate of the way, and the third part in the gate behind the bodyguards, even guard the watch of the house! 7And two hands among you, any going forth on the Sabbath shall guard the watch of the house of the lord unto the king. 8And you shall encircle around the king -- [2round about 1every man], and his weapon shall be in his hand. And the one entering into the ranks shall die. And they will be with the king in his entering and in his exiting. 9And [3did 1the 2commanders of hundreds] according to all as much as Jehoiada gave charge. And [2took 1each commander] his men of the ones entering on the Sabbath, with the ones exiting on the Sabbath. And they entered to Jehoiada the priest. 10And [3gave 1the 2priest] to the commanders of a hundred the spears and the shields of king David, of the ones in the house of the lord. 11And [4stood 1the 2bodyguards 3each], and his weapon was in his hand, at the protrusion of the house at the right, unto the protrusion of the house at the left of the altar, and of the house around the king round about. 12And he brought forth the son of the king, and he put upon him the diadem, and the testimony. And he anointed him, and gave him reign. And they clapped their hands, and said, Let [3live 1the 2king]! 13And Athaliah heard the sound of the running of the people, and she went to the people into the house of the lord. 14And she saw. And behold, the king stood at the column according to their practice. And the singers and the ones with trumpets were around the king. And all the people of the land were rejoicing, and trumpeting with trumpets. And Athaliah tore her garments, and she yelled, Conspiracy, conspiracy.

Altars of Baal Torn Down

15And [4gave charge 1Jehoiada 2the 3priest] to the commanders of hundreds, and to the overseers of the force, and said to them, Lead her outside the ranks and the one entering after her! To death she shall be put to death by the broadsword. For [3said 1the 2priest], She should not die in the house of the lord. 16And they put [2upon 3her 1hands], and she entered by way of the entrance of the horses of the house of the king. And they put her to death there. 17And Jehoiada ordained a covenant between the lord and between the king and between the people, for them to be a people to the lord. 18And [6entered 1all 2the 3people 4of the 5land] into the house of Baal, and they tore it down. And his altars, and his images they broke diligently. And Mathan the priest of Baal they killed before the face of the altars. And [3established 1the 2priest] overseers in the house of the lord. 19And he took the commanders of hundreds, and the patrol, and the couriers, and all the people of the land. And they led the king from the house of the lord, and entered the way of the gate of the bodyguards of the house of the king. And they seated him upon the throne of the kings. 20And [6rejoiced 1all 2the 3people 4of the 5land], and the city was still. And Athaliah they put to death by the broadsword in the house of the king. 21[2was a son 3seven 4years 1Joash] in his taking reign.
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