‏ 2 Kings 2


Elijah and Elisha

1And it came to pass in the lord to lead Elijah in a rumbling as into the heaven, that [4went 1Elijah 2and 3Elisha] from out of Gilgal. 2And Elijah said to Elisha, Sit down indeed here! for the lord has sent me unto Bethel. And Elisha said, As the lord lives, and as [2lives 1your soul], shall I abandon you, no. And they came unto Bethel. 3And [7came 1the 2sons 3of the 4prophets 5in 6Bethel] to Elisha, and they said to him, Do you know that the lord today takes your master above your head? And he said, Indeed even I knew, keep silent! 4And Elijah said to Elisha, Sit down indeed here! for the lord has sent me to Jericho. And Elisha said, As the lord lives, and as [2lives 1your soul], shall I abandon you, no. And they came unto Jericho. 5And [7approached 1the 2sons 3of the 4prophets 5in 6Jericho] to Elisha, and they said to him, Do you know that today the lord takes your master from above your head? And he said, I knew, keep silent! 6And [2said 3to him 1Elijah], Sit down indeed here! for the lord has sent me unto the Jordan. And Elisha said, As the lord lives, and as [2lives 1your soul], shall I abandon you, no. And they [2went 1both]. 7And fifty men from the sons of the prophets came, and they stood right opposite far off. And both stood at the Jordan. 8And Elijah took his sheepskin, and wrapped it, and struck the water, and [3was divided 1the 2water] here and there, and they [2passed over 1both] through dry ground.

Elisha Asks for a Double Portion

9And it came to pass, in their passing over, Elijah said to Elisha, Ask! what I shall do for you before my being taken up from you. And Elisha said, Let there be indeed a double of your spirit upon me! 10And Elijah said, You hardened to ask. If you should behold me being taken up from you, it will be thus to you; but if not, in no way will it be.

Elijah Taken up in a Whirlwind

11And it came to pass of their going and speaking, that behold, a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and they drew apart between both; and Elijah was taken up in a rumbling unto into the heaven. 12And Elisha was beholding, and he yelled, O father, O father, the chariot of Israel, and his horseman. And he did not see him any longer. And he took hold of his garments and tore them into two. 13And he raised up high the sheepskin of Elijah which fell on top of him. And Elisha turned, and stood upon the edge of the Jordan. 14And he took the sheepskin of Elijah, which fell on top of him, and he struck the waters, and said, Where is the God of Elijah now? And he struck the waters, and they tore apart here and there; and Elisha passed over. 15And [5beheld 6him 1the 2sons 3of the 4prophets], the ones in Jericho right opposite. And they said, [4rests 1The 2spirit 3of Elijah] upon Elisha. And they came to meet with him, and they did obeisance to him upon the ground. 16And they said to him, Behold indeed, there are with your servants fifty men, sons of power. In going indeed, let them seek your master! lest at some time [3lifted 4him 1spirit 2of the lord], and tossed him in the mountains, or upon one of the hills. And Elisha said, You shall not send. 17And they pressed him until he was shamed. And he said, Send them! And they sent fifty men; and they sought three days, and they did not find him. 18And they returned to him. And he stayed in Jericho. And he said to them, Did I not say to you, Do not go?

Elisha Heals the Water

19And [5said 1the 2men 3of the 4city] to Elisha, Behold now, the site of the city is good, as you, O master, see; but the waters are bad, and the ground being barren. 20And Elisha said, Bring to me [2water-pot 1a new], and cast salt there! And they took it to him. 21And he went forth unto the outlet of the waters, and he tossed there the salt. And he said, Thus says the lord, I have healed these waters, there will not be any longer there death and being barren. 22And [3were healed 1the 2waters] until this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke. 23And he ascended from there unto Bethel. And in his ascending in the way, that [2boys 1small] came forth from out of the city, and they mocked him, and said to him, Ascend, bald one! Ascend, bald one! 24And he turned behind him, and beheld them, and cursed them in the name of the lord. And [3came forth 1two 2bears] from out of the forest, and they tore asunder of them forty and two children. 25And he went from there to mount Carmel, and from there he turned unto Samaria.
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