‏ 2 Kings 21


Manasseh's Wicked Reign in Judah

1[2a son 4years old 3being twelve 1Manasseh was] in his taking reign, and fifty and five years he reigned in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Hephzi-bah. 2And he did the wicked thing in the eyes of the lord; and he went according to the abominations of the nations, which the lord removed from in front of the sons of Israel. 3And he returned and built the high places which [3tore down 1Hezekiah 2his father]. And he reestablished an altar to Baal, and made the sacred groves as did Ahab king of Israel; and did obeisance to all the military of the heaven, and he served to them. 4And he built an altar in the house of the lord, in which he said, In Jerusalem I will establish my name. 5And he built altars to all the military of the heaven in the two courtyards of the house of the lord. 6And he led his sons through the fire, and he prognosticated, and foretold. And he made ones who deliver oracles and diviners to multiply to do the wicked thing in the eyes of the lord, to provoke him to anger. 7And he put the carving of the sacred grove in the house, in which the lord said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, in which I chose from out of all the tribes of Israel, that I will put my name there into the eon. 8And I will not proceed to shake the foot of Israel from the land which I gave to their fathers; only if they should guard to do according to all which I gave charge to them, according to every law which [3gave charge 4to them 2my servant 1Moses].

The Prophets Speak of Coming Judgment

9And they did not hearken. And Manasseh misled them to do the wicked thing in the eyes of the lord above the nations which the lord removed in front of the sons of Israel. 10And the lord spoke by the hand of his servants the prophets, saying, 11On account of as much as [4did 1Manasseh 2king 3of Judah 7abominations 5these 6wicked] according to all as much as [3did 1the 2Amorite] before him, and [4into sin 1even 2indeed 3Judah] by his idols. 12Is it not so? Thus says the lord God of Israel, Behold, I bring evils upon Jerusalem and Judah, so that all hearing, it shall sound in both of his ears. 13And I stretch out over Jerusalem the measure of Samaria, and the weight of the house of Ahab. And I will wipe Jerusalem as one wipes a writing tablet, and overturns it upon its face. 14And I will wipe away the vestige of my inheritance, and I will deliver them into the hands of their enemies. And they will be for ravaging and for plunder by all their enemies, 15because of as much as they did the wicked thing in my eyes, and they were provoking me to anger from the day which I led their fathers from out of Egypt, and until this day. 16And indeed [5blood 4innocent 1Manasseh poured out 3much 2exceedingly], until of which he filled Jerusalem of it mouth to mouth; outside of his sins, which he led Judah into sin, to do the wicked thing in the eyes of the lord. 17And the rest of the words of Manasseh, and all as much as he did, and his sin which he sinned, behold are not these written upon the scroll of the words of the days of the kings of Judah? 18And Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they entombed him in the garden of his house in the garden of Uzza. And [3reigned 1Amon 2his son] instead of him.

Amon Reigns in Judah

19[2a son 3being twenty 4and 5two 6years old 1Amon was] in his taking reign. And two years he reigned in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Meshullemeth, daughter of Haruz from out of Jotbah. 20And he did the wicked thing in the eyes of the lord, as [3did 1Manasseh 2his father]. 21And he went in every way in which [2went 1his father], and he slaved to the idols whom [2slaved to 1his father], and did obeisance to them. 22And he abandoned the lord God of his fathers, and he did not go in the way of the lord. 23And [4confederated 1the 2servants 3of Amon] against him, and they killed the king in his house. 24And [5struck 1the 2people 3of the 4land] the ones confederating against king Amon. And [5gave reign to 1the 2people 3of the 4land] Josiah his son instead of him. 25And the rest of the words of Amon, as much as he did, behold are not these written upon the scroll of the words of the days of the kings of Judah? 26And they entombed him in his tomb in the garden of Uzza. And [3reigned 1Josiah 2his son] instead of him.
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