‏ 2 Samuel 19


David Mourns Absalom's Death

1And it was announced to Joab, saying, Behold, the king weeps and mourns over Absalom. 2And [5became 1the 2deliverance 3in 4that day] for mourning to all the people. For [3heard 1the 2people] in that day, saying that, [3frets 1The 2king] for his son. 3And [3stole away 1the 2people] in that day to enter into the city, as [2steal away 1people] being shamed in their fleeing in the battle. 4And the king hid his face, and [3cried out 1the 2king 5voice 4with a great], saying, O my son, Absalom. Absalom, O my son. 5And Joab entered to the king into the house, and said, You disgraced today the faces of all your servants, of the ones delivering your life today, and the life of your sons, and of your daughters, and the life of your wives, and the life of your concubines, 6 to love the ones detesting you, and to detest the ones loving you, that you identify today that [2are nothing 3to you 1your rulers], nor your servants. For I know that Absalom, if he were alive today, and even all we had died, that then it would have been pleasing before you. 7And now arise! go forth and speak unto the heart of your servants! for by the lord I swear by an oath, that unless you should go forth, in no way should [2remain 1a man] with you this night. And realize this in yourself! that [2evil 3will be upon you 1this] over all the evil coming upon you from your youth until now. 8And [3rose up 1the 2king], and he sat at the gate. And all the people announced, saying, Behold, the king sits down at the gate. And [4came 1all 2the 3people] before the king. And Israel fled, each to his tent. 9And [4were 1all 2the 3people] arguing among all the tribes of Israel, saying, King David rescued us from the hand of all our enemies, and he delivered us from the hand of the Philistines. And now he fled from the land. 10And Absalom, whom we anointed over us, died in the war. And now, why are you silent to return the king? And the saying by all Israel came to the king. 11And king David sent to Zadok and to Abiathar the priests, saying, Speak to the elders of Judah! saying, Why have you become last to return the king to his house? And the word of all Israel came to the king. 12[3brethren 2my 1You are], of my bones and of my flesh. Why have you become for the last ones to return the king to his house? 13And to Amasa you shall say, Are [2not 3of my bone 4and 5of my flesh 1you]? And now, thus may [2do 3to me 1God], and thus add more, if [2not 4ruler 5of the force 1you shall 3be] before me all the days instead of Joab. 14And he leaned the heart of every man of Judah, as [2man 1one]. And they sent to the king, saying, You return, and all your servants! 15And [3returned 1the 2king], and came unto the Jordan. And the men of Judah came to Gilgal to go to meet the king, to cause [3to pass over 1the 2king] the Jordan. 16And [9hastened 1Shimei 2son 3of Gera 4son 5of the 6Benjaminite 7from 8Bahurim], and he went down with the men of Judah to meet king David. 17And there were a thousand men with him from Benjamin, and Ziba the servant of the house of Saul, and [2fifteen 3sons 1his], and [2twenty 3servants 1his] with him. And they went straight unto the Jordan before the king.

David Returns to Jerusalem

18And he passed over the ford to arouse the household of the king, and to do the upright thing in his eyes. And Shimei son of Gera fell upon his face before the king, at his passing over the Jordan. 19And he said to the king, Let not indeed [2consider 1my master] my lawlessness! and remember not as much as [2did wrong 1your servant] in the day which [4went forth 1my master 2the 3king] from Jerusalem, [3to put it 1for the 2king] upon his heart! 20For [2knows 1your servant] that I have sinned. And behold, I have come today first of all of the house of Joseph to go down myself for the meeting of my master the king. 21And [4answered 1Abishai 2son 3of Zeruiah] and said, For this should not [2be put to death 1Shimei], for he cursed the anointed one of the lord? 22And David said, What is it to me and to you, sons of Zeruiah, that you become to me today to plot? Shall today [5be put to death 1any 2man 3of 4Israel], no. I do not know that today I shall reign over Israel. 23And [3said 1the 2king] to Shimei, You shall not die. And [3swore by an oath 4to him 1the 2king]. 24And Mephibosheth son of Jonathan, son of Saul went down for a meeting with the king, and attended not to his feet, nor prepared his mustache, and his garments he did not wash from the day which [3went forth 1the 2king] until the day which he came in peace. 25And it came to pass when he entered into Jerusalem for a meeting with the king, that [3said 4to him 1the 2king], Why is it that you did not go with me, Mephibosheth? 26And [2said 3to 4him 1Mephibosheth], O my master, O king, my servant misled me, for [2said 1your servant] to him, Saddle for me the donkey, for I should mount upon it and go with the king, for [2is lame 1your servant]. 27And he used craft with your servant against my master the king. But my master the king is as a messenger of God, and you do what is good in your eyes! 28For there was not any to the house of my father, but only men for death to my master the king. And you put your servant to eat at your table. And what [2is there 3to me 4still 1reason], even to cry out still to the king? 29And [3said 4to him 1the 2king], Why do you still speak your words? I said, You and Ziba divide the field! 30And Mephibosheth said to the king, And [2all the things 1let him take] after the coming of my master the king in peace to his house.

David Shows Kindness to Barzillai

31And Barzillai the Gileadite came down from Rogelim, and passed over [3with 4the king 1the 2Jordan], to send him forward from the Jordan. 32And Barzillai was [2old man 1an exceedingly], a son of eighty years, and he nourished the king during his living in Mahanaim, for [4man 3great 1he was 2a very]. 33And [3said 1the 2king] to Barzillai, You shall pass over with me, and I will nourish your old age with me in Jerusalem. 34And Barzillai said to the king, How many are the days of years of my life that I should ascend with the king unto Jerusalem? 35[4a son 5of eighty 6years 1I 2am 3today]. Can I know between good and between bad? Shall [3still taste 2servant 1your] what I shall eat or shall drink, no. Shall I hear still the voice of singing men and singing women, no. Then why [2be 1should your servant] a load upon my master the king? 36For [5a little 2shall pass over 1your servant 3the 4Jordan] with the king. And why does my master the king recompense to me this recompense? 37Return indeed your servant! and I shall die in my city, by the burying-place of my father and of my mother. And behold, your servant Chimham my son shall pass over with my master the king; and you shall do for him the pleasing thing before you. 38And [3said 1the 2king], [4with 5me 1Let 3pass over 2Chimham], and I will do to him the pleasing thing before you, and what ever you should give order to me I will do for you. 39And [4passed over 1all 2the 3people] the Jordan, and the king was established, and [3kissed 1the 2king] Barzillai, and blessed him; and he returned to his people. 40And [3passed over 1the 2king] into Gilgal, and Chimham passed over with him. And all the people of Judah caused him to pass over, and half of the people of Israel. 41And behold, every man of Israel came to the king. And they said to the king, Why is it that [5stole 6you 1our brethren 2the 3men 4of Judah], and caused [5to pass over 1the 2king 3and 4his household] the Jordan, and all the men of David with him? 42And [3answered 1the men 2of Judah] to the men of Israel, and said, Because [3is a near relative 4to us 1the 2king]. And why is this you are enraged on account of this matter? Or in eating have we eaten any food from the king, or a gift given to us? 43And [4answered 1the 2men 3of Israel] to the men of Judah, and said, There are ten hands to me for the king, also indeed in David I am over you. And why is it that you insult me, and it was not my word first to return the king to me? And [5was hardened 1the 2saying 3of the men 4of Judah] above the saying of the men of Israel.
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