‏ 2 Timothy 4


Preach the Word

1[2testify 3then 1I] in the presence of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, of the one being about to judge the living and the dead, according to his grandeur and his kingdom. 2Proclaim the word! Attend opportunely and inopportunely! Reprove! Reproach! Comfort in all long-suffering and teaching! 3For there will be a time when [3healthy 4teaching 1they will not 2endure], but according to [2desires 1their own 4to themselves 3they will accumulate] teachers tickling the hearing. 4And from indeed the truth, the one hearing, they shall turn away, [3unto 1and 4the 5fables 2they shall be turned aside]. 5But you be sober in all things! Suffer hardships! [2the work 1Do] of an evangelist! Of your service have full assurance!

Paul's Struggle

6For I already am offered as a libation, and the time of my separation stands by. 7The [2struggle 1good] I have struggled; the race I have finished; the belief I have kept. 8Remaining reserved for me is the [2of righteousness 1crown], which [6will recompense 7to me 1the 2Lord 8in 9that 10day 3the 4righteous 5judge]; [2not 3only 1and] to me, but also to all the ones loving his grandeur. 9Hurry to come to me quickly! 10for Demas abandoned me, having loved the present eon, and is gone to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. 11Luke is alone with me. Having taken up Mark, bring him with yourself, for he is useful to me in service! 12And Tychicus I sent to Ephesus. 13The hooded cloak which I left in Troas with Carpus, when coming bring, and the scrolls, especially the parchments! 14Alexander the brazier [2many 4against me 3bad things 1demonstrated]; may [3render 4to him 1the 2Lord] according to his works-- 15the one whom you also watch out for! for exceedingly he has opposed our words. 16In my first defense no one came together with me, but all abandoned me. [2not 4against them 1May it 3be imputed]. 17But the Lord stood by me, and empowered me, that through me the proclamation should be fully assured, and [4should hear 1all 2the 3nations]. And I was rescued from the mouth of the lion. 18And [3shall rescue 4me 1the 2Lord] from every [2work 1evil], and shall preserve me for [3kingdom 1his 2heavenly]; to whom be the glory into the eons of the eons. Amen. 19Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the house of Onesiphorus! 20Erastus stayed in Corinth, but Trophimus I left in Miletus sick. 21Hurry before winter to come! [2greets 3you 1Eubulus], and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and [2the 3brethren 1all]. 22The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Favor be with you. Amen.
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