‏ Acts 7


Stephen Relates the History of the Jews

1[4said 1And 2the 3chief priest], Do then these things so hold to? 2 And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, being in Mesopotamia before his dwelling in Haran. 3And he said to him, Go forth from out of your land and from your kin, and come into a land which I show to you! 4Then having gone forth from the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran. And from there, after the dying of his father, he displaced him into this land into which you now dwell. 5And he did not give to him an inheritance in it, nor [2stool 1a foot]; and he promised to give [2to him 3for 4a possession 1it], and to his seed after him, there not being a child to him. 6[4spoke 1And 3thus 2God], that [2will be 1his seed] a sojourner in [2land 1an alien], and they shall enslave it, and inflict evil [2years 1for four hundred]. 7And the nation which ever shall enslave them I shall judge, said God. And after these things they shall come forth, and shall serve to me in this place. 8And he gave to him a covenant of circumcision; and thus he engendered Isaac, and circumcised him the [2day 1eighth]; and Isaac engendered Jacob, and Jacob the twelve patriarchs. 9And the patriarchs, envying Joseph, rendered him into Egypt; and God was with him, 10and delivered him from out of all his afflictions, and gave to him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And he placed him as leader over Egypt and [2whole 3house 1his]. 11And there came a famine upon the entire land of Egypt and Canaan, and [2affliction 1great], and [2did not 3find 4fodder 1our fathers]. 12[3hearing 1And 2Jacob] of their being grain in Egypt, sent forth our fathers a first time. 13And in the second time Joseph made himself known to his brothers; and [5apparent 4became 6to Pharaoh 1the 2family 3of Joseph]. 14[3having sent 1And 2Joseph], called back his father Jacob, and all his kin, in total [3souls 1seventy 2five]. 15[3went down 1And 2Jacob] unto Egypt, and [4came to an end 1he 2and 3our fathers]. 16And they were transferred unto Shechem, and were put in the tomb which Abraham purchased for a value of silver from the sons of Emmor of Shechem. 17And as [3approached 1the 2time] of the promise of which God swore by an oath to Abraham, [3grew 1the 2people] and multiplied in Egypt, 18until of which time there rose up [2king 1another] who knew not Joseph. 19This one having dealt subtly with our race, inflicted evil upon our fathers, to make them expose their babies, so that they should not be brought forth alive. 20In which time Moses was born, and was fair to God, who was reared [2months 1three] in the house of his father. 21[3being exposed 1And 2he], [4took him up 1the 2daughter 3of Pharaoh], and reared him herself for a son. 22And Moses was instructed in all wisdom of the Egyptians; and he was mighty in words and in works. 23And as [3was filled up 4to him 1forty years 2of time], it ascended unto his heart to visit his brethren of the sons of Israel. 24And beholding a certain one being wronged, he defended and executed vengeance for the one being harassed, having struck the Egyptian. 25And he thought [2would perceive 1his brethren] that God [3through 4his hand 1is giving 2deliverance to them]; but they perceived not. 26And the following day he appeared to ones doing combat, and he forced them to peace, having said, Men, [2brethren 1you are], why wrong one another? 27But the one wronging the neighbor, thrust him away, having said, Who placed you ruler and magistrate over us? 28Do [2to do away with 3me 1you want], in which manner you did away with the Egyptian yesterday? 29And Moses fled at this word, and became a sojourner in the land of Midian, of which place he engendered [2sons 1two]. 30And [3being fulfilled 2years 1forty], there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sinai an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire of a bush. 31 And Moses beholding, marvelled at the vision. [3coming forward 1And 2of his] to study it, there came the voice of the Lord to him, saying, 32I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. [4trembling 1And 3having become 2Moses] did not dare to study it. 33[4said 1And 5to him 2the 3Lord], Untie the sandal of your feet! for the place in which you stand [2ground 1is holy]. 34In beholding, I saw the ill-treatment of my people in Egypt, and [2their moaning 1I heard], and I came down to rescue them. And now come, I shall send you to Egypt. 35This Moses whom they denied, having said, Who placed you ruler and magistrate? This one God [2as ruler 3and 4ransomer 1sent] by the hand of the angel, of the one appearing to him in the bush. 36This one led them out, having done miracles and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the red sea, and in the wilderness [2years 1forty]. 37This is the Moses, the one having said to the sons of Israel, [4a prophet 5to you 3shall raise up 1The lord 2our God] from out of your brethren as me. 38This is the one being among the assembly in the wilderness with the angel, the one speaking to him on mount Sinai, and of the ones of our fathers; who received [2oracles 1living] to give to us; 39to whom [2did not want 4subjects 3to become 1our fathers], but thrust him away, and turned their hearts unto Egypt, 40having said to Aaron, Make us gods who shall go before us; for this Moses who led us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what has happened to him. 41And they made a calf image in those days, and led up a sacrifice to the idol, and made merry in the works of their hands. 42[3turned 1And 2God] and delivered them up to serve the military of the heaven; as it has been written in the book of the prophets, Did you not [3victims for slaughter 4and 5sacrifices 1offer 2to me] [2years 1for forty] in the wilderness, O house of Israel? 43And you take up the tent of Molech, and the star of your god Remphan, the models of which you made to do obeisance to them; and I will displace you beyond Babylon. 44The tent of testimony was with our fathers in the wilderness, as set in order by the one speaking to Moses, to make it according to the model which he had seen. 45Which also [3brought in 2relieving 1our fathers] after Joshua in the taking possession of the nations, whom God pushed out from in front of our fathers, until the days of David; 46who found favor before God, and asked to find a tent for the God of Jacob. 47But Solomon built to him a house. 48But [3does not 1the 2highest 5in 7made by hands 6temples 4dwell]; as the prophet says, 49The heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet; what house will you build to me? says the Lord, or what place for my rest? 50Did not my hand make all these things?

Stephen Rebukes the Jewish Leaders

51O hard-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you continually [2the 4spirit 3holy 1rush headlong against]; as your fathers, so also you. 52Which of the prophets [2not 3persecute 1did your fathers]? And they killed the ones preannouncing concerning the advent of the just one; of whom you now [2betrayers 3and 4murderers 1have become]. 53Who received the law by disposition of angels, and kept it not.

Stephen Stoned to Death

54And hearing these things, they were sawed through in their hearts, and gnashed their teeth against him. 55And being full [2spirit 1of holy], having gazed into the heaven, he beheld the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right of God. 56And he said, Behold, I view the heavens being opened, and the son of man [2at 3the right 1standing] of God. 57And crying out [2voice 1with a great], they held their ears, and advanced with one accord against him. 58And having cast him outside the city, they stoned him. And the witnesses put aside their garments by the feet of a young man, being called Saul. 59And they stoned Stephen, the one calling upon and saying, O Lord Jesus, receive my spirit! 60And having placed the knees, he cried out [2voice 1a great], O Lord, you should not set [2to them 1this sin]. And this having said, he went to sleep.
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