‏ Colossians 4


Attend Constantly to Prayer

1[2the 3masters 5the thing 6just 7and 8equal 9to the 10bondmen 1Let 4furnish]! knowing that also you have a master in heavens. 2 [2prayer 1Attend constantly to]! being vigilant in it in thankfulness. 3Praying together also for us, that God should open to us a door of the word, to speak the mystery of the Christ, on account of which also I have been bound, 4that I should make it manifest as it is necessary for me to speak. 5[2in 3wisdom 1Walk] to the ones outside! [2the 3time 1buying back], 6 with your word at all times in favor, [2with salt 1being seasoned], to know how it is necessary for you [3one 2each 1to answer]. 7[2the things 3concerning 4me 1All 6will make known 7to you 5Tychicus], the beloved brother, and trustworthy servant, and fellow-servant in the Lord; 8whom I sent forth to you for this same purpose, that he should know the things concerning you, and should comfort your hearts; 9with Onesimus the trustworthy and beloved brother, who is of you. All [3they shall make known to you 1the things 2here]. 10[3greets 4you 1Aristarchus 2my fellow-captive], and Mark the cousin of Barnabas, concerning whom you received commands, (if he should come to you, receive him!) 11and Joshua the one being called Justus, the ones being of the circumcision. These alone are fellow-workers in the kingdom of God, ones who became an encouragement to me. 12[2greets 3you 1Epaphras], the one from you, a bondman of Christ, at all times struggling for you in the prayers, that you should stand perfect, and being filled in every will of God. 13For I bear witness to him that he has [2zeal 1much] for you, and the ones in Laodicea, and the ones in Hierapolis. 14[5greets 6you 1Luke 4physician 2the 3beloved], and Demas. 15You greet the [2in 3Laodicea 1brethren], and Nymphas, and the [2in 3his house 1assembly]! 16And whenever [3should be read 4by 5you 1the 2letter], do it that also in the assembly of Laodiceans it should be read; and the one from Laodicea, that also you should read it! 17And say to Archippus, Take heed to the service which you took to yourself in the Lord, that you should fulfill it! 18The greeting by my hand, Paul. Remember my bonds! The favor be with you. Amen.
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