‏ Deuteronomy 31


Moses Gives Exhortation

1And Moses completed speaking all these words to all the sons of Israel. 2And he said to them, A hundred and twenty years I am today. I shall not be able still to enter and go forth. For the lord said to me, You shall not pass over this Jordan. 3The lord your God, the one going forth before your face, he shall utterly destroy these nations from your face, and you shall inherit them; and Joshua is the one going forth before your face, as spoke the lord. 4And the lord shall do to them as he did to Sihon and Og, to the two kings of the Amorites, the ones who were on the other side of the Jordan, and to their land, in so far as he utterly destroyed them. 5And [2delivered 3them up 1the lord] before you; and you shall do to them in so far as I gave charge to you. 6Be manly and be strong! Do not fear! nor should you be timid, nor should you be terrified from their face. For the lord your God, the one going before with you -- in no way should he forsake you, nor in any way should he abandon you. 7And Moses called Joshua, and said to him before all Israel, Be manly and strong! For you shall enter before the face of this people, into the land which the lord swore by an oath to your fathers to give to them, and you shall allot it to them. 8And the lord, the one going with you will not send you away, nor in any way abandon you. Do not fear nor be timid! 9And Moses wrote the sayings of this law in a scroll, and he gave it to the priests, the sons of Levi, the ones lifting the ark of the covenant of the lord, and to the elders of the sons of Israel. 10And Moses gave charge to them in that day, saying, After seven years, in the time of the year of release, in the holiday of pitching of tents, 11in the going with all Israel to appear before the lord your God, in the place in which ever the lord should choose, you shall read this law before all Israel in their ears. 12Assemble the people! the men, and the women, and the progeny, and the foreigner, the one in your cities, that they should hear, and that they should learn to fear the lord your God. And they shall hearken to do all the words of this law. 13And their sons, the ones who have not known, they shall hear, and shall learn to fear the lord your God all the days, as many as they live upon the land, into which you pass over the Jordan there to inherit it. 14And the lord said to Moses, Behold, [4are approaching 1the 2days 3of your death]; call Joshua, and stand by the door of the tent of the testimony! and I will give charge to him. And [4went 1Moses 2and 3Joshua] into the tent of the testimony, and they stood by the door of the tent of the testimony.

The Column of Cloud Appears

15And the lord came down in a column of cloud. And it stood at the door of the tent of the testimony. And [4stood 1the 2column 3of cloud] by the door of the tent. 16And the lord said to Moses, Behold, you go to sleep with your fathers. And rising up, this people shall fornicate after alien gods of the land into which this people enter there into it. And they shall forsake me, and shall efface my covenant which I ordained with them. 17And I shall be provoked to anger in rage with them in that day, and I will leave them, and I will turn my face from them, and they shall be a thing devoured. And [5shall find 6him 2evils 1many 3and 4afflictions]; and he shall say in that day, because [3is not 1the lord 2my God] among me [2found 3me 1these evils]. 18And I in turning will turn away my face from them in that day because of all the evils which they did, for they turned away unto alien gods. 19And now write the words of this ode, and teach it to the sons of Israel! And you shall put it into their mouth, that [3should be 4to me 2ode 1this] a testimony among the sons of Israel. 20For I shall bring them into the [2land 1good] which I swore by an oath to their fathers; a land flowing milk and honey. And they shall eat. And being filled up they shall satisfy themselves, and shall turn to alien gods, and shall serve to them, and shall provoke me, and shall efface my covenant which I ordained with them. 21And it will be whenever [5shall find 6him 2evils 1many 3and 4afflictions], and [3shall stand firm 2ode 1this 5against 6their face 4witnessing]. For they should not forget it from their mouth, and from the mouth of their seed. For I perceive their wickedness, as much as they do here today, before my bringing them into the [2land 1good] which I swore by an oath to their fathers. 22And Moses wrote this ode in that day, and he taught it to the sons of Israel. 23And Moses gave charge to Joshua son of Nun and said, Be manly and be strong! For you shall bring the sons of Israel into the land which [2swore by an oath 3to them 1the lord], and he will be with you. 24And when Moses completed writing all the words of this law in a scroll, until completion, 25that he gave charge to the Levites, to the ones lifting the ark of the covenant of the lord, saying, 26Taking the scroll of this law, you shall put it sideways in the ark of the covenant of the lord your God; and it will be there to you for a testimony. 27For I know the aggravation caused by you, and [3neck 1your 2hard]. For still in my living with you today, [2embittering greatly 1you have been] the things towards God; how not so also at the last at my death? 28Hold an assembly for me of your tribal chiefs, and your elders, and your judicial recorders! that I should speak into their ears all these words; and I call to testify to them both the heaven and the earth. 29For I know that at the last of my decease, with lawlessness you shall act lawlessly, and shall turn aside from the way of which I gave charge to you; and [2shall meet with 3you 1evils] at the last of the days; for you shall do the evil before the lord to provoke him to anger by the works of your hands. 30And Moses spoke into the ears of all the assembly of Israel the words of this ode, until completion.
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