‏ Esther 4


Esther Learns of Haman's Plot

1 But Mordecai realizing the end, tore his garments, and put on sackcloth, and strewed ashes; and rushing through the square of the city, he yelled [2voice 1with a great], [4is going to be taken away 1A nation 3no one 2having wronged]. 2And he came unto the gate of the king, and stood; [3not 1for 2it was 5for him 4allowed] to enter into the courtyard [2sackcloth 1having on] and ashes. 3And in every place where [3were displayed 1the 2letters] there was a cry, and beating of the breast, and [2mourning 1great] among the Jews; and with sackcloth and ashes they made beds for themselves. 4And [8entered 1the 2handmaidens 3and 4the 5eunuchs 6of the 7queen], and they announced to her. And she was disturbed hearing the thing taking place. And she sent to robe Mordecai, and to remove from him the sackcloth; but he did not yield. 5And then Esther called on Hatach her eunuch who stood beside her. And she sent to learn for herself from Mordecai the exact situation. 7 And Mordecai indicated to him the thing taking place, and the promise which Haman promised to the king, for [3to the 4treasury 2talents to be paid 1ten thousand], that he should destroy the Jews. 8And the copy, the one in Shushan being displayed for purpose of destroying them, he gave to him to show to Esther. And he told him to give charge to her to enter to ask pardon of the king, and to be found worthy by him for the people, remembering, said he, The days of your low estate, how you were maintained by my hand; because Haman the one being second to the king speaks against us for death. You call upon the lord, and speak to the king concerning us! even to rescue us from death. 9[3entered 1And 2Hatach] and spoke to Esther all these words. 10[3said 1And 2Esther] to Hatach, You go to Mordecai, and say! 11that, [2the 3nations 1All] of the kingdom know that every man or woman, who shall enter to the king, into the [2courtyard 1inner] uncalled, there is no deliverance to him, except to whomever [3stretches out 1the 2king] the golden rod, this one shall be delivered; and I have not been called to enter to the king -- they are these [2days 1thirty]. 12And Hatach reported to Mordecai all the words of Esther. 13And Mordecai said to Hatach, Go and say to her! Esther, you should not say to yourself that you shall be delivered alone in the kingdom of all the Jews. 14So that if you should disregard at this time, from elsewhere help and protection will be to the Jews, but you and the house of your father will be destroyed; and who knows if it be for this occasion you reigned. 15And Esther sent the one having come to her to Mordecai, saying, 16In proceeding, you hold an assembly of the Jews in Shushan, and you all fast for me! And you should not eat nor drink for [2days 1three] -- night and day. And I and the handmaidens of mine shall go without food; and then I shall enter to the king contrary to the law, even if [3to perish 2for me 1it is necessary]. 17And proceeding, Mordecai did as much as [2gave charge 3to him 1Esther].
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