‏ Exodus 12


The First Passover

1[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 This month is to you the beginning of months. [2the first 1It is to you] among the months of the year. 3Speak to all the gathering of the sons of Israel! saying, The tenth of this month let [2take 1each] a sheep according to the houses of the families! a sheep according to a house. 4But if there should be very few in the house, so as for there not to be enough for the sheep, he shall include with himself the neighbor, neighboring him, according to the number of souls, each sufficient for him to be counted for the sheep. 5[6sheep 3a perfect 4male 5unblemished 7of a year old 1It shall be 2to you]; from the lambs and from the kids you shall take. 6And it will be to you for carefully keeping until the fourteenth of this month. And they shall slay it -- all the multitude of the gathering of the sons of Israel towards evening. 7And they shall take from the blood, and they shall put it upon the two doorposts, and upon the lintel on the houses in which they should eat them in them. 8And they shall eat the meats in this night, roasted by fire; and unleavened breads with bitter herbs they shall eat. 9You shall not eat of them raw, nor being boiled in water, but roasted by fire, head with the feet, and the entrails. 10You shall not leave anything from it into the morning. And [2a bone 1you shall not break] of it. And the things being left behind from it unto morning, [2in 3fire 1you shall incinerate]. 11And thus shall you eat it -- with your loins girded, and the sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hands; and you shall eat it with haste -- it is the passover of the lord. 12And I shall go through in the land of Egypt in this night, and I shall strike all first-born in the land of Egypt, from man unto beast; and among all the gods of the Egyptians I will execute punishment -- I the lord. 13And [3shall be 1the 2blood] to you for a sign upon the houses in which you are there; and I will see the blood and shelter you; and there shall not be to you a calamity of the obliteration, whenever I smite in the land of Egypt.

Holiday of Unleavened Bread

14And [2shall be 1this day] to you a memorial. And you shall solemnize it a holiday to the lord unto your generations; [2law 1an eternal] you shall solemnize it. 15Seven days you shall eat unleavened breads. And from the [2day 1first] you shall remove yeast from your houses. All who ever shall eat yeast, [2shall be utterly destroyed 1that soul] from out of Israel; it shall be from the [2day 1first] until [3day 1the 2seventh]. 16And [3day 1the 2first] shall be called holy. And [3day 1the 2seventh 5called 6holy 4will be] to you. All [2work 1servile] shall not be done in them, except as much as is necessary to do for every soul, this only shall be done by you. 17And you shall guard this commandment. For in this day I will lead your force from out of the land of Egypt. And you shall appoint this day into your generations [2law 1as an eternal]. 18Commencing the fourteenth day [3month 1of the 2first], from evening you shall eat unleavened breads until [4day 1the first 2and 3twentieth] of the month, until evening. 19For seven days yeast shall not be found in your houses. All whosoever should eat leavened bread, [2shall utterly be destroyed 1that soul] from out of the congregation of Israel, unto both foreigners and native born of the land. 20Anything leavened you shall not eat. In every home of yours you shall eat unleavened breads. 21[3called 1And 2Moses] the whole council of elders of Israel. And he said to them, Going forth, take to yourselves a sheep according to your kin, and sacrifice the passover! 22But you shall take a bundle of hyssop, and having dipped it from the blood, of the blood by the door, you shall place it on the lintel and upon both of the doorposts, of the blood which is by the door; and you shall not go forth -- each from the door of his house until morning. 23And the lord will go by to strike the Egyptians. And he shall see the blood upon the lintel and upon both of the doorposts. And the lord will go by the door, and he will not leave off the annihilating so as to enter into your house to strike. 24And you shall guard this thing for the law to yourself, and to your sons unto the eon. 25And if you should enter into the land which ever the lord should give to you, in so far as he spoke, you shall guard this service. 26And it will be if [2should say 3to 4you 1your sons], What is this service? 27That you shall say to them, [4sacrifice 2the 3passover 1This is] to the lord, as he sheltered the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt, when he struck the Egyptians, but our houses he rescued. And bowing, the people did obeisance. 28And going forth, [4did 1the 2sons 3of Israel] as the lord gave charge to Moses and Aaron -- so they did.

Death of the First-born

29And it happened in the middle of the night, and the lord struck all the first-born in the land of Egypt; from the first-born of Pharaoh, of the one sitting upon the throne, unto the first-born of the captive, of the one in the pit, and every first-born of the beast. 30And Pharaoh rose up at night, and all his attendants, and all the Egyptians, and there was [2cry 1a great] in all the land of Egypt. [3no 1For 2there was] house in which there was not one [2in 3it 1dying]. 31And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron at night, and he said to them, Rise up, and go forth from my people, both you and the sons of Israel! Proceed and serve to the lord your God! as you say. 32And the sheep and the oxen of yours in taking up, go! just as you say; and bless also me! 33And [3constrained 1the 2Egyptians] the people with diligence to cast them from the land; for they said that, We all shall die. 34[4took 1And 2the 3people] their dough before the leavening of their batches, being bound in their cloaks upon their shoulders. 35And the sons of Israel did as [2ordered 3them 1Moses]. And they asked from the Egyptians items of silver, and of gold, and clothes. 36And the lord gave favor to his people before the Egyptians, and they furnished to them; and they despoiled the Egyptians.

Israel Departs from Egypt

37[5having departed 1And 2the 3sons 4of Israel] from out of Rameses into Succoth, to the number of six hundred thousand footmen, the males, besides the belongings, 38and [2intermixed company 1a great] went up with them, and sheep and oxen, and cattle -- many exceedingly. 39And they baked the dough which they brought from out of Egypt -- [2cakes baked in hot ashes 1unleavened]. [3not 1For 2it was] leavened, [4cast 6out 1because 5them 2the 3Egyptians], and they were not able to remain, nor [2provisions 1to prepare] for themselves for the journey. 40And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, which they dwelt in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, they and their fathers -- four hundred thirty years. 41And it came to pass after the four hundred and thirty year, came forth all the force of the lord from out of the land of Egypt. 42[2a night 3post 1It is] to the lord, so as to lead them from out of the land of Egypt. That night itself is a post to the lord, so as [2to all 3the 4sons 5of Israel 1to be] into their generations. 43[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses and Aaron, This is the law of the passover. Every foreigner shall not eat of it. 44And every domestic servant, any which was bought with silver, you shall circumcise him. And then he shall eat of it. 45Sojourner or hireling shall not eat of it. 46In [2house 1one] it shall be eaten, and you shall not bring forth from the house of any of the meats outside, and [2a bone 1you shall not break] of it. 47Every gathering of the sons of Israel shall do it. 48And if any [2should come forward 3to 4you 1convert], and should observe the passover to the lord, you shall circumcise [3of his 1every 2male]. And then he shall come forward to do it. And he will be as also the native born of the land. Every uncircumcised one shall not eat of it. 49[3law 2one 1There shall be] to the native inhabitant, and to the one coming forward to convert among you. 50And [4did 1the 2sons 3of Israel] as the lord gave charge to Moses and Aaron to them -- so they did. 51And it came to pass in that day the lord led out the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt with their force.
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