‏ Exodus 14


Israel Camps at the Sea

1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2Speak to the sons of Israel! And turning let them encamp before the property between Migdol and between the sea, right opposite Baal-Zephon! Before them you shall encamp by the sea. 3And Pharaoh will say concerning the sons of Israel, These wander in the land, [4has closed 6up 1for 5them 2the 3wilderness]. 4But I will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and he will pursue after them, and I will be glorified by Pharaoh, and by all his military; and [4shall know 1all 2the 3Egyptians] that I am the lord. And they did thus. 5And it was announced to the king of the Egyptians that [3have fled 1the 2people]. And [4was converted 1the 2heart 3of Pharaoh], and the hearts of his attendants against the people. And they said, What is this we have done to send out the sons of Israel to not slave to us? 6[3teamed up 2then 1Pharaoh] his chariots, and [2all 3his people 1he led] with himself. 7And he took six hundred [2chariots 1chosen], and all the cavalry of the Egyptians, and tribunes over all. 8And the lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And he pursued after the sons of Israel. But the sons of Israel went with [2hand 1a high]. 9And [3pursued 1the 2Egyptians] after them. And they found them camping by the sea. And all the cavalry, and the chariots of Pharaoh, and the horsemen, and his military were before the property right opposite Baal-zephon. 10And Pharaoh led forward. And [4looking up 1the 2sons 3of Israel] with the eyes, they beheld. And behold, the Egyptians were encamped behind them. And they feared exceedingly. [5yelled out 1And 2the 3sons 4of Israel] to the lord. 11And they said to Moses, Because there were no [2existing 1tombs] in Egypt you led us to be put to death in the wilderness? What is this you did to us bringing us forth from out of Egypt? 12[2this not 1Was] the saying which we spoke in Egypt to you? saying, Disregard us! so that we may slave to the Egyptians. For it is better for us to slave to the Egyptians, than to die in this wilderness. 13[3said 1And 2Moses] to the people, Be of courage! Stand, and see the deliverance by the lord, which he will do for us today! [2in which 3manner 1For] you see the Egyptians today, you will not proceed still to see them into the eon of time. 14The lord will wage war for us, and you shall be quiet. 15[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Why do you yell to me? Speak to the sons of Israel, and break camp!

God Draws Away the Sea

16And you, lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand upon the sea, and tear it! And let [4enter 1the 2sons 3of Israel] in the midst of the sea on dry land! 17And behold, I will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and [2the 3Egyptians 1all]; and they will enter in after them, and I will be glorified by Pharaoh, and by all his military, and by the chariots, and by his horses. 18And [4shall know 1all 2the 3Egyptians] that I am the lord glorifying myself by Pharaoh, and by the chariots, and by his horses. 19[5lifted away 1And 2the 3angel 4of God], the one going before the camp of the sons of Israel, and he went at the rear. And lifted away also the column of cloud from their sight, and it stood at the rear of them. 20And it entered between the camp of the Egyptians and between the camp of Israel, and it stood. And there was darkness and dimness. And [3went by 1the 2night]. And they did not mix together one to another the entire night. 21[3stretched out 1And 2Moses] his hand upon the sea. And the lord drew away the sea by [3wind 2south 1a violent] the entire night. And he made the sea dry, and cut asunder the water. 22And [4entered 1the 2sons 3of Israel] in the midst of the sea down on the dry land. And its water was a wall from the right and a wall from the left. 23[4pursued 1And 2the 3Egyptians]. And [5entered 6after 7them 1all 2the 3cavalry 4of Pharaoh], and the chariots, and the riders in the midst of the sea. 24And it came to pass in the watch, in the early morning, and the lord gave attention unto the camp of the Egyptians with a column of fire and a cloud; and he disturbed the camp of the Egyptians. 25And he bound the axles of their chariots, and led them with force. And [3said 1the 2Egyptians], We should flee from the face of Israel, for the lord wages war for them against the Egyptians. 26[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Stretch out your hand upon the sea, and restore the water, and cover over the Egyptians, over both the chariots and over the riders! 27[3stretched out 1And 2Moses] his hand upon the sea, and [3restored 1the 2water] at day to its place. And the Egyptians fled from under the water. And the lord shook off the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. 28And in turning back, the water covered the chariots, and the riders, and all the force of Pharaoh, of the ones entering after them into the sea. And there was not left of them not even one. 29And the sons of Israel went through dry land in the midst of the sea. And the water was to them a wall on the right, and a wall on the left. 30And the lord rescued Israel in that day from the hand of the Egyptians. And Israel saw the Egyptians having died by the edge of the sea. 31[3saw 1And 2Israel 6hand 4the 5great] by which the lord executed against the Egyptians. [4feared 1And 2the 3people] the lord, and they trusted in God, and Moses his attendant.
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