‏ Exodus 2


Birth of Moses

1And there was a certain man from the tribe of Levi, and he took of the daughters of Levi, and had her. 2And [2in 3the womb 1she conceived], and bore a male. And seeing that it was fair, they sheltered it [2months 1three]. 3But when they were not able [2it 3any longer 1to hide], [2took 3for him 1his mother] a wicker basket of papyrus, and besmeared it with tar, and put the male child into it, and put it into the marsh by the river. 4And [2spied out 1his sister] far off to learn what would result to him. 5[5went down 1And 2the 3daughter 4of Pharaoh] to bathe upon the river, and her handmaidens came near unto the river. And they saw the wicker basket in the marsh, and she sent the handmaiden to take it up. 6And opening, she sees a male child weeping in the wicker basket. And [4spared 5him 1the 2daughter 3of Pharaoh], and said, [2from 3the 4male children 5of the 6Hebrews 1This one is]. 7And [2said 1his sister] to the daughter of Pharaoh, If you want I will call for you a woman nursing from the Hebrews, and she will suckle for you the male child. 8And [4said 5to her 1the 2daughter 3of Pharaoh], Go! And going, the young woman called the mother of the male child. 9[5said 1And 6to 7her 2the 3daughter 4of Pharaoh], Carefully keep for me this male child, and suckle it for me, and I will give to you the wage. [4took 1And 2the 3woman] the male child, and suckled it. 10[4maturing 1And 2the 3male child], she brought it to the daughter of Pharaoh. And he became to her for a son. And she named his name Moses. Saying, For from the water I took him up.

Moses Kills an Egyptian

11And it came to pass in [3days 2many 1those], [3older 2becoming 1Moses], he went forth to his brethren of the sons of Israel. And contemplating their misery, he saw an Egyptian man beating a certain Hebrew of his own brethren of the sons of Israel. 12And looking about here on this side and here on that side he did not see anyone. And striking the Egyptian, he hid him in the sand. 13And coming forth the [2day 1second], he saw two men, Hebrews skirmishing. And he says to the one in the wrong, Why do you beat your neighbor? 14 And he said, Who placed you magistrate and judge over us? Is it that [3to do away with 4me 1you 2want] in which manner you did away yesterday with the Egyptian? [3feared 1And 2Moses], and said, Surely thus [3apparent 2has become 1this thing].

Moses Flees to Midian

15[3heard about 1And 2Pharaoh] this thing, and he sought to do away with Moses. [3withdrew 1But 2Moses] from the face of Pharaoh, and he dwelt in the land of Midian. And coming into the land of Midian, he sat at the well. 16And to the priest of Midian there were seven daughters tending the sheep of their father Jethro. And they came to draw water until they filled the troughs to water the sheep of their father Jethro. 17And coming, the shepherds cast them away. [3rose up 1But 2Moses] to rescue them, and he drew water for them, and he watered their sheep. 18And they came to Reuel their father. And he said to them, Why is it that you hastened to come today? 19 And they said, An Egyptian man rescued us from the shepherds, and he drew water for us, and he watered our sheep. 20 And he said to his daughters, And where is he, and why thus have you left the man? You call him indeed! that he may eat bread. 21[3settled 1And 2Moses] by the man. And he handed over Zipporah his daughter to Moses as wife. 22[3in 4the womb 1And 2conceiving], the woman bore a son, and Moses named his name Gershom, saying that, I am a sojourner in [2land 1an alien]. And still again conceiving, she bore [2son 1a second], and he called his name Eliezer, saying that, the God of my father, my helper, also rescued me from the hand of Pharaoh. 23And after [3days 2many 1those], [4came to an end 1the 2king 3of Egypt], and [4groaned 1the 2sons 3of Israel] from the works, and yelled out. And [2ascended 1their yell] to God because of the works. 24And God listened to their moaning, and God remembered his covenant, the one with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. 25And God looked upon the sons of Israel, and he was made known to them.
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