‏ Exodus 26


The Curtains, Hooks and Hoops

1And for the tent you shall make ten curtains of linen being twined, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, being twined with cherubim. A work of a weaver you shall make them. 2The length of the [2curtain 1one] shall be eight and twenty cubits; and a breadth of four cubits [2to the 4curtain 3one 1shall be]. [3measure 1The 2same] shall be to all the curtains. 3And five curtains will be of one another, being held the other with the other. And five curtains will be of one another, being held the other with the other. 4And you shall make for them hooks of blue upon the edge of the [2curtain 1one], joining the one part to the coupling. And thus you shall make upon the edge of the [2curtain 1outer] for the [2coupling 1second]. 5And fifty hooks you shall make for the [2curtain 1one], and fifty hooks you shall make for the part of the curtain corresponding to the coupling of the second, facing headlong into one another each. 6And you shall make [2hooks 1fifty] of gold. And you shall join together the curtains one to the other to the hooks. And [3will be 1the 2tent] one.

The Hide Coverings, Hooks and Hoops

7And you shall make hide coverings of hair for protection upon the tent, eleven hide coverings you shall make them. 8The length of the [2hide covering 1one] will be thirty cubits; and four cubits the breadth of the [2hide covering 1one]; [3measure 1the 2same] will be to the eleven hide coverings. 9And you shall join together the five hide coverings to the same, and the six hide coverings to the same. And you shall double up the [2hide covering 1sixth] in front of the tent. 10And you shall make [2hooks 1fifty] upon the edge of the [2hide covering 1one], of the one in the middle by the coupling. And fifty hooks you shall make upon the edge of the hide covering, of the one joining of the second. 11And you shall make [2hooks 3of brass 1fifty]. And you shall join together the hooks by the hooks, and you shall join together the hide coverings, and it shall be one. 12And you shall set the extra in the hide coverings of the tent. The half of the hide covering being left over you shall cover up for the extra of the hide coverings of the tent. You shall cover up behind the tent. 13A cubit from this side, and a cubit from that side of the superior part of the hide coverings, of the length of the hide coverings of the tent. And it will be to cover up the sides of the tent on this side and that side, that it should be covered. 14And you shall make a covering of the tent -- skins of rams dyed red, and coverings of skins of blue on top.

The Items for the Tent

15And you shall make posts for the tent from out of [2wood 1incorruptible]. 16Of ten cubits you shall make the [2post 1one], and [2cubit 1one] and a half the width of the [2post 1one]. 17Two joints to the [2post 1one] resting headlong against one to the other. Thus you shall make to all the posts of the tent. 18And you shall make the posts for the tent -- twenty posts by the side towards the south. 19And forty bases of silver you shall make for the twenty posts. Two bases to the [2post 1one] for both its parts, and two bases to the other [2post 1one] for both its parts. 20And the [2side 1second] towards the north -- twenty posts. 21And forty bases for them made of silver. Two bases to the [2post 1one] for both its parts, and two bases for the other [2post 1one] for both its parts. 22And by the rear of the tent by the part towards the west you shall make six posts. 23And two posts you shall make at the corners of the tent at the posteriors. 24And they shall be of equal below, and according to the same measurement they shall be equal from the heads unto [2coupling 1one]. Thus shall you make to both the two corners, let them be equal! 25And there shall be eight posts. And their bases of silver -- sixteen; and two bases to the [2post 1one], and two bases to the other [2post 1one]. 26And you shall make bars from out of [2wood 1incorruptible]; five to the posts from the one part of the tent. 27And five bars to the posts to the [2side 3of the 4tent 1second], and five bars for the posts on the posterior side of the tent, the one towards the west. 28And the [2bar 1middle] in between the posts -- let it penetrate from the one side unto the other side! 29And the posts you shall gild in gold. And the rings you shall make of gold, into which you shall insert the bars. And you shall gild the bars in gold. 30And you shall raise the tent according to the form being shown to you in the mountain.

The Veil

31And you shall make a veil from out of blue, and purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen being spun. [4work 3a woven 1You shall make 2it] with cherubim. 32And you shall place it upon four posts of incorruptible wood being gilded in gold. And the tips of them in gold, and [3bases 1their 2four] made of silver. 33And you shall put the veil upon the posts. And you shall carry in there, inside the veil, the ark of the testimony. And [3shall separate 1the 2veil] to you between the holy and between the holy of the holies. 34And you shall cover up by the veil the ark of the testimony in the holy of the holies. 35And you shall put the table outwardly of the veil, and the lamp-stand directly opposite the table near the part of the tent towards the south. and the table you shall put by the part of the tent towards the north.

The Draw-curtain

36And you shall make a draw curtain for the door, of blue and purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen being twined, the work of an embroiderer. 37And you shall make for the veil five posts, and you shall gild them with gold; and the tips of them of gold; and you shall cast for them five bases of brass.
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