‏ Galatians 2


Paul Recounts His Ministry

1Then after fourteen years again I ascended to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking along also Titus. 2And I ascended according to revelation, and presented to them the good news which I proclaim among the nations, and in private to the ones assuming leadership, lest perhaps in vain I run, or ran. 3But not even Titus, the one with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised. 4And on account of the intrusions of false brethren, ones who entered privately to spy out our freedom, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they shall reduce us to slavery; 5to whom not even for an hour we yielded way in the submission, that the truth of the good news should abide with you. 6But from the ones seeming to be something, as to like whatever they were, [2nothing 3to me 1differs]; [4the person 1God 5of a man 2does not 3take]; [6to me 1for 2the ones 3seeming important 5nothing 4conferred]; 7but on the other hand, having seen that I have been trusted with the good news of the uncircumcised, as Peter of the circumcision, 8(for the one operating in Peter for commission of the circumcision, operated also to me among the nations), 9and knowing the favor being given to me, James and Cephas and John, the ones assuming to be columns of strength, [5their right hands 1gave 2to me 3and 4Barnabas] of fellowship, that we should go unto the nations, but they to the circumcision. 10Only [3the 4poor 1that 2we should remember], which even I was hurried [2this same thing 1to do].

Paul Confronts Peter's Hypocrisy

11But when Peter came to Antioch in person, I opposed him, for he was for being condemned. 12[2before 3the 1For] coming of some from James, [2with 3the 4Gentiles 1he was eating]; but when they came, he kept back and separated himself, fearing the ones of the circumcision. 13And [5acted the hypocrite with 6him 1also 2the 3rest 4of the Jews], so that even Barnabas was led away by them in the hypocrisy. 14But when I saw that he did not walk uprightly to the truth of the good news, I said to Peter in front of all, If you, [2Jewish-like 1being], [2like the nations 1live] and not like a Jew, why [2the 3nations 1do you compel] to Judaize? 15We are by nature Jews, and not [2of 3the nations 1sinners]; 16and knowing that [2is not 3justified 1man] from works of law, but through belief of Jesus Christ, and we [2in 3Christ 4Jesus 1trusted], that we should be justified of belief of Christ, and not by works of law; for not shall [3be justified 4by 5works 6of law 1any 2flesh]. 17And if seeking to be justified in Christ, we have been found also ourselves sinners, is then Christ [2of sin 1a servant]? May it not be. 18For if what I deposed, these things again I build back up, [2a violator 3myself 1I stand]. 19For I through law [2to law 1died], that to God I should live. 20[2Christ 1I have been crucified with], but I live, no longer I, [3lives 1but 4in 5me 2Christ]; but that [2which 4now 3I 5live 6in 1flesh], [2in 3belief 1I live] -- in the one of the son of God, of the one loving me, and delivering himself up for me. 21I do not annul the favor of God. For if [2is through 3law 1righteousness], then Christ [2for nothing 1died].
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