‏ Hebrews 9


The Old and New Covenants Compared

1[4had 5indeed 6then 7also 1The 2first 3tent] ordinances of service, and the [2holy place 1worldly]. 2[4tent 1For 5was carefully prepared 2the 3first], in which was both lamp-stand and the table, and the place setting of the bread loaves, which is called holy; 3and after the second veil, a tent, being called holy of holies; 4[2a golden 1having] incense pan, and the ark of the covenant having been covered over on all sides with gold, in which was [2jar 1the golden] having the manna, and the rod of Aaron, the one having burst forth, and the tablets of the covenant; 5and up above it were the cherubim of glory shading the atonement-seat; concerning which it is not for now to speak in turn. 6And of these things thus being carefully prepared, [6into 5indeed 7the 8first 9tent 3always 4enter 1the 2priests], [2the 3services 1completing]. 7But into the second part [4once 5in the year 3went in alone 1the 2chief priest], not separate from blood, which he offers for himself and the [2for the 3people 1ignorance sacrifices]. 8This manifesting of the [2spirit 1holy] not yet has been made apparent [7the 9of the 10holies 8way 1while still 2the 3first 4tent 5was having 6a position]. 9Which is a parable in the time being present, in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, not being able as to conscience to perfect the one serving, 10consisting only in foods and drinks, and diverse immersions, and ordinances of flesh, until a time of straightening rests. 11But Christ being come is chief priest of the [2about to be 1good things], through the greater and more perfect tent, not made by hand -- that is to say, not of this creation, 12nor through the blood of he-goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered once for all into the holies, [2an eternal 3ransoming 1having found]. 13For if the blood of bulls and he-goats, and ashes of a heifer sprinkling the ones being unclean, sanctifies for the [2of the 3flesh 1cleanliness], 14how much more the blood of the Christ, (who through [2spirit 1eternal] offered himself unblemished to God,) shall cleanse your conscience from dead works for serving the living God. 15And because of this [4covenant 3of a new 2mediator 1he is], so that death having taken place, for the release by ransom for the [2unto 3the 4first 5covenant 1violations], [4of the 5promise 3should receive 1so the ones 2having been called] of the eternal inheritance. 16For where there is a will, [2for the death 1it is necessary 5to come to bear 3of the 4one ordaining the will]. 17For a will with the dead is firm; since not at any time does it prevail when [3lives 1the one 2ordaining the will]. 18Whereupon neither the first covenant [2separate from 3blood 1has been dedicated]. 19[4having been spoken 1For 2every 3commandment] according to the law by Moses to all the people, having taken the blood of the calves and he-goats with water and [2wool 1scarlet] and hyssop, both itself the scroll and all the people he sprinkled, 20saying, This is the blood of the covenant, which [2gave charge 3to 4you 1God]. 21[2also 3the 4tent 1But] and all the utensils of the ministration with blood in like manner he sprinkled. 22And nearly [2with 3blood 1all things] are cleansed according to the law, and separate from blood-letting there becomes no release. 23It was necessary then for indeed the examples of the things in the heavens [2with these 1to be cleansed], [4themselves 1but 2the 3heavenly things] with better sacrifices than these. 24For not into hand made holy places [3entered 1the 2Christ], which are antitypes of the true, but into heaven itself, now to be revealed to the face of God for us. 25Nor that he should often offer himself, as the chief priest enters into the holy places yearly with [2blood 1another's]; 26since it would have been necessary for him to often suffer from the founding of the world. But now once at the completion of the eons, for annulment of sin, [2through 3his sacrifice 1he has been manifested]. 27And for as much as it has been reserved to men once to die, but after this the judgment; 28so also the Christ once having been offered for [3of many 1bearing 2the sins], that of a second time separate from sin he shall appear to the ones awaiting him for deliverance.
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