‏ Hosea 10


Israel's Sin and Captivity

1[2is a grapevine 3having good vine branches 1Israel] her fruit prospering. According to the multitude of her fruits he multiplied the altars. According to the good things of his land he built monuments. 2They portioned their hearts, now they shall be obliterated; he shall raze their altars, [2shall languish 1their monuments]. 3Because now they shall say, There is no king for us, for we feared not the lord; but the king, what shall he do to us? 4Speaking words, [2excuses 1lying]; he shall ordain a covenant. [2shall rise 3as 4wild grass 1Judgment] upon an uncultivated field. 5To the calf of the house of On [4shall sojourn 1the ones 2dwelling 3Samaria]; for [2mourned 1his people] for it; and as they greatly embittered him, they shall rejoice over his glory, for he was displaced from him. 6And [2it 3for 4Assyria 1having tied], they carried away tribute to king Jareb by a gift; Ephraim shall receive shame; Israel shall be ashamed in his counsel. 7Samaria threw off her king as a stick upon the face of the water. 8And [3shall be lifted away 1the shrines 2of On], even the sins of Israel. Thorn-bushes and thistles shall ascend upon their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us! and to the hills, Fall upon us! 9From of which time the hills existed Israel sinned; there they stood. No way should it overtake them in the hill -- war [2upon 3the 4children 5of iniquity 1came]. 10 To correct them -- and [2shall be brought together 1peoples] against them in their being corrected for [2two 3iniquities 1their]. 11Ephraim -- a heifer being taught, loving altercation; but I shall come upon the best of her neck; I will conduct Ephraim; I will pass silently over Judah; [2shall grow in strength 3against him 1Jacob]. 12Sow to yourselves for righteousness! Gather the vintage for the fruit of life! Light for yourselves the light of knowledge! Inquire of the lord until [3comes 1the offspring 2of righteousness] to you! 13Why did you pass over [2in silence 1impiety], and [2of her iniquity 1gathered the vintage]? You ate [2fruit 1false], for you hoped in your chariots, in the abundance of your power. 14And [2shall rise up 1destruction] among your people, and all your places being walled around shall be undone. As the ruler Shalman departed out of the house of Jeroboam in the days of battle, [2the mother 3upon 4children 1they dashed]; 15so I will do to you, O house of Israel, in front of your evils.
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