‏ Isaiah 10


Judgment against Oppressors

1Woe to the ones writing wickedness; for the ones writing [2wickedness 1are writing]; 2turning aside equity of the poor, snatching away a judgment of the needy of my people, so that [2would be to them 1a widow] for ravaging, and an orphan for plunder. 3And what will they do in the day of the visitation? For the affliction [2to you 3from a distance 1shall come], and to whom shall you take refuge for help? And where will you leave your glory, 4 to not fall into enslavement? For [2underneath 3the ones being done away with 1they shall fall]. And for all these things [2shall not turn 1his anger], but still his hand is high. 5Woe to the Assyrians, the rod of my rage, and anger is in their hands. 6 [2my anger 3against 5nation 4a lawless 1I will send], and [2to my 3people 1I will give orders] to cause spoils and plunder, and to trample the cities, and to make them into dust. 7But he did not [2thus 1ponder], and the soul did not [2thus 1consider]; but he shall dismiss his mind even to utterly destroy nations -- not a few. 8And if they should say to him, You alone are ruler; 9then he shall say, Did I not take the place above Babylon and Chalanes, where the tower was built? and I took Arabia, and Damascus, and Samaria? 10In which manner I took these, [2all 3the 4sovereignties 1I shall take]. Shriek, O carvings in Jerusalem, and in Samaria! 11[2in which 3manner 1For] I did to Samaria, and its handmade things, so shall I do also to Jerusalem and to her idols. 12And it will be whenever the lord should complete all his doings on mount Zion and Jerusalem, he will strike against the [2mind 1great], against the ruler of the Assyrians, and against the haughtiness of the glory of his eyes. 13For he said, [2in 3strength 1I will act]; and in the wisdom of understanding I will remove boundaries of nations; and [2their strength 1I will despoil]; 14and I will shake the cities being inhabited; and [3the 5world 4entire 1I will take 2by hand] as a nest; and [2as 4being left behind 3eggs 1I will lift them away]; and there is no one who shall evade me or contradict me, even opening a mouth and chirping. 15Shall [2be glorified 1the axe] without the one beating with it, no. or shall [2be exalted 1the saw] without the one drawing with it, no. Likewise shall any lift a rod or wood and it shall not be so, no. 16But [3sends 1the lord 2of Hosts] for your honor -- dishonor; and for your glory -- fire; by a burning it shall be burnt. 17And [4shall be 1the 2light 3of Israel] for a fire; and he shall sanctify her in fire being burned; and it shall devour [3as 4grass 1the 2woods] in that day. 18[3shall be consumed 1the 2mountains], and the hills, and the forests; and it shall devour from soul unto flesh. And it will be the one fleeing will be as the one fleeing from [2flame 1a burning]. 19And the ones being left behind of them will be a small number, and [2child 1a small] shall be able to write them.

The Returning Remnant

20And it will be in that day, no longer [4proceed 1will the 2one being left behind 3of Israel], and the ones being preserved of Jacob no longer should be yielding upon the ones wronging them. But they will be yielding upon God, the holy one of Israel, in the truth. 21And [4will be 1the one 2being left behind 3of Jacob] relying upon the God having strength. 22And if [4should become 1the 2people 3of Israel] as the sand of the sea, the vestige of them shall be preserved. 23For the matter is being completed and being rendered concise in righteousness, for [3the matter 2is the one rendering 4concise 1the lord]. The lord of forces shall act in the [2world 1entire]. 24On account of this, Thus says the lord of Hosts, Do not fear, my people, O ones dwelling in Zion from the Assyrians! For with a rod he shall strike you, [3a calamity 1For 2he brings] upon you beholding the way of Egypt. 25For yet a little time and I will cease the anger, but my rage is against their plan. 26And [5shall arise 6against 7them 1the lord 2God 3of the 4forces] according to the calamity of Midian in Place of Affliction. And his rage is the way by the sea into the way according to Egypt. 27And it will be in that day I shall remove his yoke from your shoulder, and the fear of him from you; and [3shall be ruined 1the 2yoke] from your shoulders. 28For he shall come into the city of Angai, and shall go by to Maggedo, and in Michmash he shall place his weapons. 29And he shall go by the ravine, and shall come into Angai; fear shall take hold of Ramah; the city of Saul shall flee. 30A snorting sound of your voice O daughter of Gallim; [2shall take heed 1Laish]; they shall take heed in Anathoth; 31and Madmenah is startled, and the ones dwelling in Gebim. 32Enjoin them today [2in 3the way 1to abide]! Enjoin the mountain daughter of Zion, and the hills in Jerusalem! 33Behold, the master, the lord of Hosts puts in disorder the honorable ones with strength. And the haughty ones with insolence shall be broken, and the haughty ones shall be humbled. 34And [2shall fall 1the haughty ones] by the sword; and Lebanon [2with 3the 4haughty ones 1will fall].
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