‏ Isaiah 5


Parable of the Vineyard

1I will sing indeed to the one being loved of me a song of my beloved concerning his vineyard. A vineyard became to the one being loved on a horn in [2place 1a plentiful]. 2And [2a barrier 1I put] around it, and I built a palisade, and planted a grapevine, a choice vine; and I built a tower in the midst of it; and [2a wine press 1I dug] in it; and I waited for it to produce the grape, and it produced thorn-bushes. 3And now, O ones dwelling in Jerusalem, and O man of Judah, judge then [2me 3and 1between] my vineyard! 4What shall I do still to my vineyard that I did not do to it? For I waited for it to produce a grape, but it produced thorn-bushes. 5Now then I will announce to you what I will do to my vineyard. I will remove its barrier, and it will be for ravaging. And I will demolish its wall, and it will be for trampling. 6And I will forsake my vineyard; for in no way should it be pruned, neither shall it be dug. And [2shall ascend 3into 4it 5as 6in 7an uncultivated land 1the thorn-bush]. And [2to the 3clouds 1I will give charge] to not rain [2upon 3it 1any rain]. 7For the vineyard of the lord of Hosts [2the house 3of Israel 1is], and the man of Judah is the newly planted one being loved. I waited for it to produce equity, but it produced lawlessness; and not righteousness, but a cry. 8Woe to the ones joining together house to house, and [2field 3to 4field 1nearing], that [3of their neighbor 1they should remove 2anything]; will you not live alone upon the land? 9For it was heard in the ears of the lord of Hosts about these things. For even if there should become [2residences 1many] in desolation, and they shall be great and good, but there will not be ones dwelling in them. 10For where [4work 1ten 2teams 3of oxen] the land will produce [2clay vessel 1one]; and the one sowing [2large measures 1six] shall produce [2measures 1three].

Woe to the Sinner

11Woe to the ones arising in the morning and [2liquor 1pursuing]; the ones waiting late for it; for the wine shall burn with them. 12For with the harp, and psaltery, and tambourines, and pipes, [2wine 1they drink]; but the works of the lord they do not look at, and the works of his hands they do not contemplate. 13Therefore [3captive 1my people 2became] because of [2not 3knowing 1their] the lord. And a multitude became dead because of hunger and thirst for water. 14And [2widened 1Hades] its breath, and opened wide its mouth to not stop. And [3shall go down 1the 2honorable ones], and the great, and the rich, and the one exalting in her. 15And [2shall be abased 1a people], and [2shall be dishonored 1a man], and the [2eyes 1elevated] shall be abased. 16And [3shall be raised up high 1the lord 2of Hosts] in judgment; and the [2God 1holy] shall be glorified in righteousness. 17And [3shall be grazed 1the ones 2tearing in pieces] as bulls; and [3the things 4of the barren places 5of the ones 6being taken away 1lambs 2shall eat]. 18Woe to the ones drawing sins as with [2rough cord 1a long], and [2as with 3a yoke 4strap 5of a heifer 1lawlessnesses.] 19The ones saying, Let him quickly approach to do whatever! that we should see it; and let [6come 1the 2counsel 3of the 4holy one 5of Israel]! that we should know it. 20Woe to the ones calling evil good, and good evil; the ones making the darkness light, and the light darkness; the ones making the bitter sweet, and the sweet bitter. 21Woe to the ones wise to themselves, and [2before 3themselves 1having knowledge]. 22Woe to your strong ones, the ones drinking wine, and the mighty ones, the ones mixing liquor; 23the ones justifying the impious because of bribes, and [3for the 4just 2justice 1lifting away]. 24On account of this, in which manner [2shall be burnt 1stubble] by a coal of fire, and shall be burnt up by a flame being sent up, their root [2as 3dust 1will be], and their flower [2as 3a cloud of dust 1shall ascend]; for they did not want the law of the lord of Hosts; but the oracle of the holy one of Israel they provoked. 25And [3was enraged 4in anger 1the lord 2of Hosts] against his people. And he put a hand against them, and he struck them. And [3were provoked 1the 2mountains], and [2became 1their decaying flesh] as dung in the midst of the way. And in all these [2was not 3turned 1his rage], but still his hand is high. 26Accordingly he shall lift up an agreed upon sign among the nations far off; and he shall whistle at them from the uttermost part of the earth; and behold, quickly nimbly they come. 27They shall not hunger nor tire, nor shall they slumber nor shall they go to sleep, nor shall they untie their belts from their loins, nor shall they tear away the straps of their sandals; 28whose arrows are sharp, and their bows being stretched tight; the feet of their horses [2as 3solid 4rock 1are considered]; the wheels of their chariots as a blast. 29They advance as lions, and stand beside as [2cubs 1lion]; and he shall take hold and shall yell as a wild beast, and he shall cast them out, and there will not be one rescuing them. 30And he shall yell on account of them in that day, as the sound of the sea swelling up. And they shall look into the heaven upward and below; and behold, [2darkness 1a hard] in their perplexity.
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