‏ Isaiah 9


Unto Us a Child Is Born

1[2this 3first 4quickly 1Drink]! Quickly act! O place of Zebulun, the land of Naphtali, and the rest on the coast, and on the other side of the Jordan, Galilee of the nations! 2The people going in darkness beheld [2light 1a great]! The ones dwelling in a place and shadow of death, light shall radiate upon you. 3The greatest part of the people you led down in gladness, and they shall be glad before you as the ones being glad in a harvest, and in which manner the ones dividing spoils. 4Because [5was removed 1the 2yoke, the one 4upon them 3being situated], even the rod, the one upon their neck; for the rod of the extractors he effaced as in the day against Midian. 5For every apparel [3assembled 4by treachery 1and 2garment], [2with 3reparation 1they shall pay]; and they shall want to even if it became scorched. 6For a child was born to us; a son was given to us, of whom the sovereignty became upon his shoulder; and [2is called 1his name], [2of great 3counsel 1Messenger], wonderful, counselor, [2God 1mighty], potentate, ruler of peace, father of the [2about to be 1eon]. For I will bring peace upon the rulers, and his health. 7And great is his sovereignty, and of his peace there is no end upon the throne of David, and his kingdom to set it up and to take hold in judgment; even with righteousness from the present and into the eon. The zeal of the lord of Hosts shall do these things.

Judgment on Samaria

8[3death 2sent 1The lord] upon Jacob, and it came upon Israel. 9And [5shall know 1all 2the 3people 4of Ephraim], and the ones settling in Samaria, with insolence and a haughty heart, saying, 10The bricks are fallen, but come, we should dress stones. And we should fell sycamine trees and cedars, and we should build for ourselves a tower. 11And [2shall dash down 1God] the ones rising against mount Zion, against him; and [2his enemies 1he shall efface] -- 12Syria from [2of the sun 1the dawn], and the Greeks from [2of the sun 1the descent], the ones devouring Israel with their whole mouth. In all these things [3is not 4turned 1the 2rage], but still there is the [2hand 1high]. 13And the people did not turn until they were struck, and the lord of the forces they did not seek. 14And the lord removed from Israel the head and tail, the great and small, in one day; 15the old man, and the ones [2persons 1admiring] -- this is the head; and the prophet teaching lawless things -- this is the tail. 16And [6shall be 1the ones 2declaring 5blessed 4people 3this] misleading. And they misled so that they should swallow them down. 17On account of this [5over 6their young men 3shall not 4be gladdened 1the 2 lord]; and upon their orphans and their widows he shall not show mercy. For all are lawless ones and wicked ones, and every mouth speaks unjustly. For all these things [2shall not 3turn away 1his rage], but still his hand is high. 18And [2shall burn 3as 4fire 1lawlessness]. And as [2wild grass 1dry] it shall be devoured by fire, and shall be burnt in the thickets of the grove, and shall devour together [2the things 3round about 4the 5hills 1all]. 19On account of the rage of the anger of the lord [3burns 2land 1the entire], and [3will be 1the 2people] as ones incinerated by fire. A man [3his brother 1shall not 2show mercy on]. 20But one shall turn aside to the right hand, for he shall hunger; and he shall eat of the left, and in no way shall [2be filled up 1a man] eating the flesh of his arm. 21[3shall eat 1For 2Manasseh] Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh; for together they shall assault Judah. For all these things [3shall not 4turn 1the 2rage], but still his hand is high.
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