‏ Jeremiah 12


Jeremiah Questions God

1You are righteous, O lord, that I may plead to you. [4only 5concerning judgments 1I will speak 2to 3you]. Why is it that the way of the impious prospers? [5prospered 1All 2the ones 3disrespecting 4in wickedness]. 2You planted them, and they were rooted. They produced children, and they produced fruit. [3near 2are 1You] their mouth, and at a distance from their kidneys. 3And you, O lord, know me. You have tried my heart before you. Gather them as a flock for a sacrifice, and purify them for the day of slaughter! 4For how long will [3mourn 1the 2land], and all the grass of the field be dried, because of the evils of the ones dwelling in it? [4were removed from view 1The cattle 2and 3the winged creatures]; for they said, [2shall not 3see 1God] our ways.

God Answers Jeremiah

5Your feet run, and they cause you to faint. How will you make preparations to ride upon horses? and [2in 3the land 4of your peace 1you have relied]. How will you do in the neighing of the Jordan? 6For even your brethren and the house of your father, even they disregarded you; and they yelled out; [2at 3your rear 1they assembled]; you should not trust in them when they speak with you good words. 7I have abandoned my house; I let go of my inheritance; I gave the one being loved of my soul into the hands of her enemies. 8[2became 1My inheritance] to me as a lion in the forest; she uttered [2against 3me 1her voice]; on account of this I detested her. 9Is not the cave of a hyena my inheritance to me, the cave round about her against her? Proceed, bring together all the wild beasts of the field, and let them come to eat her! 10[2shepherds 1Many] corrupted my vineyard, they tainted my portion; they made [2portion 1my desirable] for [2wilderness 1an untrodden]. 11It was appointed for extinction by destruction; on account of me [5in extinction 4was obliterated 1all 2the 3land], for there is no man putting it to heart. 12Upon every mountain pass in the wilderness [2came 1the ones causing misery]. For the sword of the lord shall devour from one tip of the land unto the other tip of the land; there is no peace to all flesh. 13You sowed wheat, and [2thorn-bushes 1harvested]. Their lots shall not benefit them. Be ashamed of your boasting, because of scorn before the lord! 14For thus says the lord, Concerning all the [2neighbors 1wicked] of the ones touching my inheritance, which I portioned to my people Israel -- behold, I draw them away from their land, and Judah I will cast out from the midst of them. 15And it will be after [2casting 4out 1my 3them], I will return, and I will show mercy on them, and I will settle them each in his inheritance, and each in his land. 16And it will be if in learning they should learn the way of my people, to swear by an oath to my name, saying, As the lord lives; as they taught my people to swear by an oath to Baal, then they shall be edified in the midst of my people. 17But if they should not return, then I shall lift away that nation by removal and destruction, says the lord.
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