‏ Jeremiah 22


The Word against the King's House

1Thus says the lord, Go, and go down to the house of the king of Judah! And you shall speak there this word. 2And you shall say, Hear the word of the lord, O king of Judah, O one sitting down upon the throne of David, you and your servants, and your people, and the ones entering by these gates! 3Thus says the lord, Execute equity and righteousness, and rescue the one being plundered from out of the hand of the one wronging him! And the foreigner, and orphan, and widow, do not tyrannize! And do not be impious! And [4blood 3innocent 1you should not 2pour out] in this place. 4For if doing you should do this word, then [2shall enter 3in 4the 5gates 6of this house 1kings] sitting down upon the throne of David, and mounting upon chariots, and horses, they and their children, and their people. 5But if you should not do these words, according to myself I swear by an oath, says the lord, that [3for 4desolation 2will be 1this house]. 6For thus says the lord against the house of the king of Judah. You are Gilead to me, head of Lebanon. Should I not make you desolate, cities not being dwelt in? 7And I will bring upon you an annihilating man, and his hewing axe. And they shall cut down [2chosen 3cedars 1your], and shall put them into the fire. 8And [3shall go 2nations 1many] through this city. And they shall say each to his neighbor, Why did the lord do thus to [3city 1this 2great]? 9And they shall say, Because they abandoned the covenant of the lord their God, and did obeisance to strange gods, and they served to them. 10Do not weep for the one having died, nor lament him! Weep! by weeping for the one going forth, for he shall not return again, nor shall he see the land of his fatherland.

The Word against Shallum

11For thus says the lord against Shallum, son of Josiah king of Judea, who reigned for Josiah his father, who came forth from out of this place, He shall not return there again. 12But in the place where I displaced him, there he shall die, and this land he shall not see again. 13O the one building his house with no righteousness, and his rooms without equity; for to him the neighbor works without pay, and his wage in no way shall he give over to him. 14You built to yourself a house well-proportioned, with upper rooms ventilated, separated by windows, and being boarded by cedar, and being coated in vermilion. 15Should you reign, because you are provoked with Ahaz your father? Shall they not eat and shall they not drink? It is best for you to execute equity and [2righteousness 1fair]. 16They did not know, they did not judge with equity to the humble, nor with equity to the needy. [2this not 1Is] because of [2not 3knowing 1your] me, says the lord? 17Behold, [2are not 1your eyes] nor your heart good, but they are for your desire for wealth, and for the [3blood 2innocent 1pouring out], and for offences, and for murder, to do them. 18On account of this, thus says the lord against Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, Woe against this man. In no way should they lament him, saying, O brother. Nor shall they weep over him, saying, Alas, O lord. 19As the burial of a donkey he shall be buried; being scraped away he shall be tossed beyond the gate of Jerusalem. 20Ascend unto Lebanon, and cry out! And [3unto 4Bashan 1give out 2your voice], and yell unto the end of the sea! for [3were defeated 1all 2your lovers]. 21I spoke to you in your transgression, and you said, I will not hearken. This is your way from your youth, you hearkened not to my voice. 22All your shepherds shall tend the wind, and your lovers [2into 3captivity 1shall go forth]; for then you shall be ashamed, and shall be disgraced because of all the ones being fond of you. 23O one dwelling in Lebanon, nesting among the cedars, you shall groan in the [2coming 3to you 1griefs], pangs as one giving birth.

The Word to Coniah

24As I live, says the lord, Though in coming to pass [6should become 1Coniah 2son 3of Jehoiakim 4king 5of Judah] a seal upon [2hand 1my right], from there will I pull you out. 25And I will deliver you up into the hands of the ones seeking your life, whom you are cautious from in front of them, even into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and into the hands of the Chaldeans. 26And I will throw you and your mother, the one giving birth to you, into a land of which you were not birthed there; and there you shall die. 27And unto the land which they made a vow in their souls, there in no way shall they return. 28Coniah is disgraced as a vessel which there is no need of; for he was cast forth and cast into a land which he did not know. 29O land, O land, hear the word of the lord! 30Thus says the lord, Write up this man [2banished by public proclamation 1as a man]! For in no way should there be anything grown from out of his seed, a man sitting down upon the throne of David, ruling again in Judah.
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