‏ John 20


The Resurrection

1But on day one of the Sabbaths, Mary the Magdalene comes in the morning, [3dark 1still 2being], unto the sepulchre; and she sees the stone having been lifted from the sepulchre. 2She runs then and comes to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus is fond of, and says to them, They took the Lord from out of the sepulchre, and we do not know where they put him. 3[2went forth 3then 1Peter], and the other disciple, and they came unto the sepulchre. 4[4ran 1And 2the 3two] together; and the other disciple ran in front more quickly than of Peter, and came first unto the sepulchre. 5And leaning over, he sees [3lying 1the 2linen bands]; [3not 1however 2he enters]. 6Comes then Simon Peter following him, and he entered into the sepulchre, and views the linen bands lying. 7And the scarf which was upon his head was not [2with 3the 4linen bands 1lying], but separate from them, being swathed in one place. 8Then therefore entered also the other disciple, the one having come first unto the sepulchre, and he saw, and he believed. 9For not yet they knew the scripture that it is necessary for him [2from 3the dead 1to rise up]. 10[4went forth 1Then 5again 6to 7their own 2the 3disciples].

Jesus Appears unto Mary Magdalene

11But Mary stood at the sepulchre weeping outside. As then she wept, she leaned over into the sepulchre, 12and she views two angels in white, [2being seated 1one] at the head, and one at the feet where [4has been laid 1the 2body 3of Jesus]. 13And they say to her, those ones, O woman, why do you weep? She says to them that, They took my Lord, and I know not where they placed him. 14And these things having said, she turns to the rear, and she views Jesus standing; and she knows not that it is Jesus. 15[2says 3to her 1Jesus], O woman, Why do you weep? Whom do you seek? That one thinking that [2the 3gardener 1he is], says to him, O master, if you bore him, tell me where you put him, and I will take him. 16[2says 3to her 1Jesus], Mary. Turning, that one says to him, Rabboni, which is to say, Teacher. 17[2says 3to her 1Jesus], Do not touch me! for not yet have I ascended to my father. But go to my brethren and say to them! I ascend to my father, and your father; and my God and your God. 18Comes then Mary the Magdalene reporting to the disciples that she has seen the Lord, and these things he said to her.

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

19It being then late in that day, in the day one of the Sabbaths, and the doors being locked where [3were 1the 2disciples] being gathered together because of the fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and says to them, Peace to you. 20And this having said, he showed to them [2hands 3and 4the 5side 1his]. [3rejoiced 4then 1The 2disciples] seeing the Lord. 21[2said 3then 4to them 1Jesus] again, Peace to you; as [3sent 4me 1the 2father], I also send you.

The Disciples Receive Holy Spirit

22And this having said, he breathed onto, and says to them, Receive [2spirit 1holy]. 23Of whosoever [2you should forgive 1sins], they are forgiven to them; of whosoever you should hold, they are held.

The Unbelief of Thomas

24But Thomas, one of the twelve, the one being called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. 25[4said 5then 6to him 1The 2other 3disciples], We have seen the Lord. And he said to them, Unless I should see in his hands the impression of the nails, and should put my finger into the impression of the nails, and should put my hand into his side, in no way shall I believe. 26And after [2days 1eight] again [2were 3inside 1his disciples], and Thomas was with them. Comes Jesus, of the doors having been locked, and stood in the midst and said, Peace to you. 27So then he says to Thomas, Bring your finger here, and behold my hands; and bring your hand, and put it into my side; and be not unbelieving, but believing! 28And Thomas responded and said to him, My Lord and my God. 29[2says 3to him 1Jesus], Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are the ones not seeing and having believed. 30Indeed many then even other signs Jesus did in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this scroll. 31But these things have been written that you should believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing [2life 1you should have] in his name.
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