‏ Joshua 8


Ambush at Ai

1And the lord said to Joshua, You should not fear, nor should you be timid. Take with you all the men, the ones making war, and rising up ascend unto Ai! Behold, I give into your hands the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land. 2And you shall do to Ai, and to her king in which manner you did to Jericho and to her king. And her spoils and her cattle you shall despoil for yourself. But place for yourself an ambush for the city to the rear of her. 3And Joshua rose up, and all the people, the warriors, so as to ascend to Ai. [3chose 1And 2Joshua] thirty thousand men, mighty in strength, and sent them by night. 4And he gave charge to them, saying, See that you lie in wait the city, behind the city greatly! and you shall all be prepared. 5And I, and all the ones with me, will lead forward to the city. And it will be as whenever [4should come forth 1the ones 2dwelling 3in Ai] to meet you, just as also the day before, and we fled from their face, 6that whenever they should come forth after us, we shall draw them away from the city. And they will say, They flee from our face in which manner before; and we shall flee from them. 7And you shall rise up from the ambush, and you shall go into the city, and you shall obliterate the city, and [3shall give 4it 1the lord 2our God] into our hands. 8And it will be when ever you should seize the city, burn it by fire! According to this matter you shall act. Behold, I have given charge to you. 9And [2sent 3them 1Joshua], and they went to the ambush, and sat in place between Beth-el and between Ai, from the west of Ai. And Joshua lodged that night in the midst of the people. 10And Joshua rising early in the morning, numbered the people. And they ascended, he and the elders of Israel, before the face of the people, against Ai. 11And all the people, the warrior, the one with him, ascended. And going, they came right opposite the city from the east. And the ambushes of the city were from the west. And they encamped from north of Ai. And the valley was between it and Ai 12And he took about five thousand men, and he stationed them in ambush between Beth-el and Ai, west of Ai. 13And he arranged [2the 3people 1all] of the camp, which was from north of the city, the ends of it west of the city. And Joshua went that night in the midst of the valley. 14And it happened as [4beheld 1the 2king 3of Ai], that he hastened and rose early. And there went forth the men of the city to meet them straight on into the battle, he and all his people at the opportune time, in front of the Araba. And he did not know that an ambush against him is behind the city. 15And [5beheld 6and 7withdrew 1Joshua 2and 3all 4Israel] from in front of them. 16And the people fled by the way of the wilderness, and [5grew in strength 1all 2the 3people 4of Ai] to pursue after them of the sons of Israel. And they departed from the city. 17They did not leave behind any one in Ai and in Beth-el who did not pursue after Israel. And they left the city being open, and they pursued after Israel. 18And the lord said to Joshua, Stretch out your hand with the javelin, the one in your hand, against the city, for into your hands I gave it. And the ones in ambush shall rise up quickly from out of their place. 19And Joshua stretched the javelin and his hand against the city, and the ones in ambush rose up quickly from out of their place. And they went forth when he stretched out the hand. And they entered into the city, and overtook it. And hastening they burned the city in fire. 20And [4looking about 1the 2inhabitants 3of Ai] unto the rear of them, and they viewed the smoke of the city ascending into the heaven; and no longer had they anywhere to flee here on this side or here on that side. And the people fleeing into the wilderness turned upon the ones pursuing. 21And Joshua and all Israel beheld that [3took 1the 2ones in ambush] the city, and that [5ascended 1the 2smoke 3of the 4city] into the heaven; and turning they struck the men of Ai. 22And these came forth from the city to meet them. And they came in the midst of the camp, some of these here and some of these here. And they struck them until there was not one being left behind of them being delivered and escaping. 23And the king of Ai was seized alive, and they led him to Joshua. 24And it happened as [4ceased 1the 2sons 3of Israel] killing all the ones in Ai, and in the plains, and in the mountain upon the descent of which they pursued them, that all fell by the mouth of the broadsword, by it unto completion. And Joshua returned to Ai, and struck it by the mouth of the broadsword. 25And it came to pass that all the ones falling in that day, from man and unto woman -- twelve thousand, all the ones dwelling in Ai. 26And Joshua returned not his hand which he stretched out by the javelin until he devoted to consumption the whole of the ones dwelling Ai. 27Except the cattle and the spoils in that city [4despoiled 5for themselves 1the 2sons 3of Israel] according to the order of the lord, in which manner the lord gave orders to Joshua. 28And Joshua burned the city by fire, and he established it for an embankment into the eon, uninhabited until this day. 29And the king of Ai he hung upon [2tree 1a twin]. And he was upon the tree until the time of the evening. And at the setting of the sun Joshua gave orders, and they lowered his body from the tree, and they tossed him into the cesspool before the gate of the city, and set over him [2heap 3of stones 1a large] until this day. 30Then Joshua built an altar to the lord God of Israel on mount Ebal, 31as [5gave charge 1Moses 2the 3attendant 4of the lord] to the sons of Israel, as it is written in the law of Moses, An altar [2stone 1entirely], upon which [2was not 3put 4upon 5it 1an iron tool]. And he transported there whole burnt-offerings to the lord, and a sacrifice of deliverance.

Joshua Writes the Second Copy of the Law

32And Joshua wrote upon the stones the second book of the law, the law of Moses, which he wrote in the presence of the sons of Israel. 33And all Israel, and their elders, and their magistrates, and their scribes, were coming near on this side and that side [2the 3ark 1before]; and the priests and the Levites lifted the ark of the covenant of the lord; and the foreigner and the native born were there; the halves of them neighboring mount Gerizim, and the halves neighboring mount Ebal, as [5gave charge 1Moses 2the 3attendant 4of the lord 8to bless 9the 10people 11Israel 6at 7first]. 34And after these things Joshua read the whole sayings of this law, the blessings and the curses, according to all the things being written in the law of Moses. 35There was not a word from all which Moses gave charge to Joshua, which [2did not 3read 1Joshua] into the ears of all the assembly of Israel, to the men, and to the women, and to the servants, and to the foreigners going with Israel.
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