‏ Malachi 4


The Great Day of The LORD Almighty

1For behold, a day comes burning as an oven; and it shall blaze against them, and [4will be 1all 2the 3foreigners], and all the ones doing lawless deeds, as stubble. And [4shall light 5them 1the 2day 3coming], says the lord of the forces; and in no way shall there be left of them root nor vine branch. 2And to you, O ones fearing my name, shall arise sun of righteousness, and healing is in his wings; and you shall come forth and shall leap as young calves [2from out of 3bonds 1being spared]. 3And you shall trample the lawless ones; and they will be ashes underneath your feet in the day which I prepare, says the lord almighty. 4Remember the law of Moses my manservant, in so far as I gave charge to him in Horeb for all Israel -- orders and judgments!

The Coming of Elijah

5And behold, I shall send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming day of the lord -- the great and apparent; 6the one who shall restore the heart of the father to the son, and the heart of a man to his neighbor, lest coming I strike the earth entirely.
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