‏ Mark 3


Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

1And he entered again into the synagogue. And [2was 3there 1a man 7being withered 4having 5the 6hand]. 2And they closely watched him, if on the Sabbaths he will cure him, that they should charge him. 3And he says to the man, to the one [4being withered 1having 2the 3hand], Arise into the middle! 4And he says to them, Is it allowed on the Sabbaths to do good or to do evil? [2a life 1to preserve] or to kill? And they kept silent. 5And having looked round about them with anger, being grieved over the callousness of their heart, he says to the man, Stretch out your hand! And he stretched it out, and [2was restored 1his hand] in health as the other. 6And having gone forth, the Pharisees immediately with the Herodians [2council 1took] against him, how they should destroy him.

A Multitude Follows Jesus

7And Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea. And a great multitude from the Galilee followed him, and from Judea, 8and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and on the other side of the Jordan, and the ones around Tyre and Sidon. [2multitude 1A great], having heard as much as he was doing, came to him. 9And he spoke to his disciples that a small boat should attend constantly to him because of the multitude, that they should not squeeze him. 10For many he cured; so as to fall upon him, that [4should touch him 1as many as 2had 3scourges]. 11And the [2spirits 1unclean], whenever they viewed him, fell at him, and cried out saying that, You are the son of God. 12And [3much 1he reproached 2them], that [2not 4him 5apparent 1they should 3make].

Jesus Appoints the Twelve

13And he ascends into the mountain, and calls on whom he wants; and they went forth to him. 14And he appointed twelve that they might be with him, and that he should send them to proclaim, 15and to have authority to cure the diseases, and to cast out the demons. 16And he placed upon Simon, the name Peter; 17and James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he placed upon them the names Boanerges, which is, sons of thunder. 18And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite, 19and Judas Iscariot, who also delivered him up. And they come to a house; 20and comes together again a multitude so that [2are not 3able 1they] neither [2bread 1to eat]. 21And hearing, the ones of his come forth to seize him, for they said that, He is startled.

A House Divided

22And the scribes, the ones from Jerusalem, having come down said that, He has Beelzeboul; and that, By the ruler of the demons he cast out the demons. 23And having called them, in parables he said to them, How is [2able 1Satan 4Satan 3to cast out]? 24And if a kingdom against itself should be parted out, [2is not able 3to stand 1that kingdom]. 25And if a house against itself should be parted out, [2shall not be able 3to stand 1that house]. 26And if Satan rose up against himself, and has been parted out, he is not able to stand, but [2end 1has an]. 27 [2is able 1No one] [2the items 3of the 4strong man 5by entering 6into 7his house 1to plunder], if not first [2the 3strong man 1he should tie up], and then his house he will plunder. 28Amen I say to you that, All [2shall be forgiven 1sins] to the sons of men, and blasphemies as many as they should have blasphemed; 29but who ever should blaspheme against the [2spirit 1holy] has not forgiveness into the eon, but is liable to eternal judgment. 30For they said, [3spirit 2an unclean 1He has]. 31Then come the brothers and his mother, and [2outside 1standing] they sent to him, calling him. 32And [2sat 1the multitude] around him, and they said to him, Behold, your mother and your brothers outside seek you. 33And he answered to them, saying, Who is my mother or my brothers? 34And having looked round about the ones [2around 3him 1sitting], he says, See! my mother and my brothers. 35For who ever should do the will of God, this one [2my brother 3and 4sister 5and 6mother 1is].
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