‏ Micah 3


The Leaders Rebuked

1And he shall say, Hear indeed, O heads of Jacob, and O remnant of the house of Israel! [2not 3for you 1Is it] to know equity? 2O ones detesting the good things, and seeking the wicked things; seizing by force their skins from them, and their flesh from their bones; 3in which manner they devoured the flesh of my people, and their skins they flayed from them, and their bones they fractured in pieces as flesh for the kettle, and as meats for the pot. 4Thus they shall cry out to the lord, and he will not listen to them. And he shall turn his face from them in that time, because they were wicked in their practices. 5Thus says the lord concerning the prophets, of the ones misleading my people; the ones biting with their teeth, and proclaiming peace upon them, and when nothing was put into their mouth, they even sanctified [2against 3them 1a war]. 6On account of this [2night 3to you 1there shall be] instead of a vision; and darkness will be to you for divination; and [3shall go down 1the 2sun] upon the prophets, and [3shall darken 4upon 5them 1the 2day]. 7And [5shall be disgraced 1the ones 2seeing 3the 4dreams]; and [3shall be ridiculed 1the 2clairvoyants]; and [3shall speak ill 4against 5them 1all 2these]; because there is not one heeding them. 8Surely I shall fill up strength in spirit of the lord, and judgment, and might, to report to Jacob of his impiety, and to Israel of his sins. 9Hear indeed these things, O leaders of the house of Jacob, and, O remnants of the house of Israel! the ones abhorring equity, and all the ones [2straight things 1perverting]; 10the ones building Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with injustice. 11 Her leaders [2with 3bribes 1judge], and her priests [2with 3a wage 1answer], and her prophets [2with 3silver 1are divining]; but upon the lord they rest upon, saying, [2not 3the lord 4among 5us 1is]? In no way shall [2come 3upon 4us 1bad things]. 12On account of this, because of you, Zion [2as 3a field 1shall be plowed], and Jerusalem [2as 3a vacant storehouse of fruits 1will be], and the mountain of the house as a place of the forest.
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