‏ Micah 5


The Coming Ruler

1Now [2shall be obstructed 1the daughter] by an obstruction. [2conflict 1He ordered] for us. [2with 3a rod 1They shall strike] upon the jaw the tribes of Israel. 2And you, Beth-lehem, of the house of Ephratah, are very few being among thousands of Judah; from out of you to me shall come forth the one being for ruler of Israel; and his goings forth were from the beginning, from [2of days 1eon]. 3On account of this, he will appoint them unto a time of giving birth. She shall give birth, and the remnants of their brethren shall return unto the sons of Israel. 4And he shall stand and tend in strength of the lord; and in the glory of the name of the lord their God they shall exist; for now he shall be magnified unto the uttermost parts of earth.

Assyria Mounts Up

5And this shall be the peace, whenever the Assyrian should come upon our land, and whenever he should mount upon our place. And there shall be roused up against him seven shepherds, and eight strikes of men. 6And they shall tend Assyria with a broadsword, and the land of Nimrod at her trench. And he shall rescue from Assyria whenever it should come against your land, and whenever it should mount over your borders.

The Vestige

7And [4will be 1the 2vestige 3of Jacob] in the midst [2peoples 1of many], as the dew from the lord falling, and as lambs upon wild grass; so that it should be gathered to no one, nor should stand among the sons of men. 8And [4will be 1the 2vestige 3of Jacob] among the nations, in the midst [2peoples 1of many], as a lion among cattle in the forest, and as a cub among the flocks of sheep, in which manner whenever he should go through and draw apart to seize his prey by force, and there should be none rescuing. 9[2shall be raised up high 1Your hand] against the ones afflicting you, and all your enemies shall be utterly destroyed. 10And it will be in that day, says the lord, I will utterly destroy your horses from out of your midst, and I will destroy your chariots. 11And I will utterly destroy the cities of your land, and I will remove all your fortresses. 12And I will utterly destroy your potions from out of your hands; and ones declaring fortunes shall not be to you. 13And I will utterly destroy your carved images, and your monuments from out of your midst. And no longer should you do obeisance to the works of your hands. 14And I will cut your sacred groves from out of your midst; and I will obliterate your cities. 15And I will execute in anger and in rage vengeance among the nations, because they listened not.
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