‏ Psalms 109


The LORD Judges the Sinner

To the director; a psalm to David.

1O God of my praise, you should not remain silent; 2for the mouth of the sinner, and the mouth of the deceitful one [2against 3me 1opened]; they spoke against me [2tongue 1with a deceitful]; 3and with words of hatred they encircled me; and they waged war against me without charge. 4Instead of the loving me, they slandered me; but I prayed. 5And they placed against me bad things for good things; and hatred for my affection. 6Place [2against 3him 1the sinner], and let the devil stand at his right hand! 7In his being judged, may he go forth having been condemned; and [2his prayer 1let] become as sin! 8Let [2become 1his days] few, and [4his overseeing 1may 3take 2another]! 9Let [2become 1his sons] orphans, and his wife a widow! 10In being shaken up, let [2change residence 1his sons], and let them beg! Let them be cast out from their areas! 11Let [2search out 1the money-lender] all as much as exists to him, and let [2plunder 1strangers] his toils! 12Let there not exist to him a shielder, nor let there be one pitying his orphans! 13Let [2be 1his children] given for devastation! In [2generation 1one] let [2be wiped away 1his name]! 14May [4be called to mind 1the 2lawlessness 3of his fathers] before the lord; and [2the 3sin 4of his mother 5not 1may] be wiped away. 15Let them be before the lord always! and may [2be utterly destroyed 3from 4the land 1their memorial]. 16Because he did not remember to perform mercy, but pursued [4man 1a needy 2and 3poor], and vexing the heart to kill him. 17And he loved a curse, and it shall come to him; and he did not want a blessing, and it shall be far from him. 18And he put on the curse as a cloak, and it entered as water into his insides, and as oil in his bones. 19Let it be to him as a cloak which he puts around, and as a belt which he always girds himself! 20This is the work of the ones slandering me by the lord, and the ones speaking evil against my soul. 21And you, O lord, O Lord, deal with me because of your name, for [2is gracious 1your mercy]! 22Rescue me, for [2poor 3and 4needy 1I am]! and my heart is disturbed within me. 23As shade in its turning aside, I was taken away in return; I was shaken away as locusts. 24 My knees weakened from fasting, and my flesh was changed through want of oil. 25And I became scorn to them; they beheld me; they shook their heads. 26Help me, O lord my God, and deliver me according to your mercy! 27And let them know that [2your hand 1this is]! and you, O lord, did it. 28They shall curse themselves, but you shall bless. The ones rising up against me, let them be ashamed! but your servant shall be glad. 29Let [4put on 1the ones 2slandering 3me] shame, and let them put [2around 3as 4a garment 1their shame]! 30I will make acknowledgment to the lord -- exceedingly. With my mouth and in the midst of many I will praise him. 31For he stands at the right hand of the needy, to deliver from the ones pursuing my soul.
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