‏ Psalms 40


Hope is in the Name of The LORD

To the director; a psalm to David.

1Enduring, I waited on the lord, and he took heed to me, and he heard my supplication. 2And he led me from out of the pit of misery, and from the mud of slime. And he stood [2upon 3the rock 1my feet], and straightened out my footsteps. 3And he put into my mouth [2song 1a new], a hymn to our God. [2shall see 1Many], and shall fear, and shall hope upon the lord. 4Blessed is the man of which [2is 3in the 4name 5of the lord 1his hope], and did not look to follies and [2frenzies 1false]. 5Many things you did yourself, O lord my God, concerning your wonders; and concerning your devices there is not any that shall be likened to you. I reported and spoke -- they were multiplied above number. 6A sacrifice and offering you wanted not, but a body you readied to me; whole burnt-offerings and a sacrifice for sin you did not seek. 7Then I said, Behold, I come. In the chapter of the scroll it is written concerning me. 8 To do your will, O my God I wanted; and your law is in the midst of my belly. 9I announced good news -- righteousness in [2assembly 1the great]. Behold, [3my lips 1in no way 2should I restrain], O lord, you know. 10 My righteousness I hid not in my heart; your truth and your deliverance I told; I hid not your mercy and your truth from the gathering of many. 11But you, O lord, [2should not be 3far 1your compassions] from me. Your mercy and your truth, [2always 1may they] take hold of me. 12For [2compass 3me 1bad things] which there is no number. [2overtook 3me 1My lawless deeds], and I was not able to see. They were multiplied over the hairs of my head; and my heart abandoned me. 13Think well, O lord, to rescue me! O lord, [2to 3help 4me 1take heed]! 14May [5be disgraced 6and 7feel shame 8together 1the ones 2seeking 3my life 4to lift it away]. May they be turned back to the rear, and may [4feel shame 1the ones 2wanting 3bad things for me]. 15Let them carry immediately their shame -- the ones saying to me, Well done. well done. 16[5exult 6and 7are glad 8over 9you 1All 2the ones 3seeking 4you], O lord. And let [5say 4always 6let the lord be magnified 1the ones 2loving 3your deliverance]! 17But I am poor and needy; the lord will be thoughtful of me. [2my helper 3and 4my defender 1You are], O my God, you should not delay.
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