‏ Psalms 74


Forget Not Your Servants, O LORD

A psalm of contemplation to Asaph.

1O God, why did you thrust us away unto the end? Why [2provoked to anger 1is your rage] against the sheep of your pasture? 2Remember your congregation! of which you acquired from the beginning. You ransomed the rod of your inheritance; [2mount 3Zion 1this] where you encamped in it. 3Lift up your hands against their pride unto completion! for as much as [3did wickedly 1the 2enemy] in your holy place. 4And [4boasted 1the 2ones detesting 3you] in the midst of your holiday; they set their signs for signs. 5And they knew not as in the conclusion above, as [2in 3the forest 4of woods 5with axes 1they cut down], 6so [2its doors 3together 4with 5a hewing axe 6and 7chisel 1they broke down]. 7They set [2on 3fire 1your sanctuary] to the ground. They profaned the tent of your name. 8[3said 4in 5their heart 1Their kin 2together], Come and let us cause to cease all the holidays of God from the land! 9 [3our signs 1We did not 2see]; there is not yet a prophet; and one of us does not know any longer. 10For how long, O God, shall [3berate 1the 2enemy]? He provokes the opposition of your name to the end. 11Why did you turn away your hand, even your right hand from the midst of your bosom to the end? 12 But God our king is before the eon. He worked deliverance in the midst of the earth. 13You held [3in check 4by 5your power 1the 2sea]. You broke the heads of the dragons upon the water. 14You fractured the heads of the dragon; you gave him for food [3peoples 1to the 2Ethiopian]. 15You tore open the springs and rushing streams. You dried the rivers of continuance. 16Yours is the day, and yours is the night; you fashioned giving light and the sun. 17You made all the boundaries of the earth; summer and spring, you shaped them. 18Remember this! an enemy berated the lord, and [2people 1a foolish] provoked your name. 19You should not deliver up [4to the 5wild beasts 1a soul 2making acknowledgment 3to you]; of the souls of your needy you should not forget to the end. 20Look unto your covenant! for [3filled 1the ones 2being darkened] the earth with houses of lawless deeds. 21Let not [2be turned away 1the one being humbled] being disgraced! The poor and needy shall praise your name. 22Rise up, O God, adjudicate your cause! Remember your scorning by the fool the entire day! 23You should not forget the voice of your servants. The pride of the ones detesting you ascended continually.
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