‏ Psalms 89


The Earth and Heavens Acknowledge The LORD

A contemplation of Ethan the Ezrahite.

1 [2of your mercies 3O lord 4into 5the 6eon 1I shall sing]. Unto generation and generation I shall report your truth with my mouth. 2For you said, Into the eon mercy shall be built up. [3in 4the 5heavens 2shall be prepared 1Your truth]. 3I ordained a covenant with my chosen ones; I swore by an oath to David my servant. 4Unto the eon I shall prepare your seed, and I will build [2unto 3generation 4and 5generation 1your throne]. 5[3shall acknowledge 1The 2heavens] your wonders, O lord, and your truth in the assembly of the holy ones. 6For who in the clouds shall be equal to the lord; likened to the lord among the sons of God? 7 God is being glorified in the counsel of holy ones; [2great 3and 4fearful 1he is] over all the ones surrounding him. 8O lord, the God of the forces, who is likened to you? You are mighty, O lord, and your truth is round about you. 9You are master of the might of the sea; and the tossing about of its waves you soothe. 10You humbled [2as 3slain 1the proud]; with the arm of your might you dispersed your enemies. 11[3are yours 1The 2heavens], and [3is yours 1the 2earth]. The inhabitable world and its fullness you founded. 12The north and the west you created. Tabor and Hermon [2in 3your name 1shall exult]. 13Your arm is with dominations. Let [2be fortified 1your hand]! Let [2be raised up high 1your right hand]! 14Righteousness and equity are the preparation of your throne; mercy and truth shall go forth before your face. 15Blessed are the people knowing the shout of joy. O lord, [2in 3the 4light 5of your face 1they shall go]. 16And in your name they shall exult the entire day. And in your righteousness they shall be raised up high. 17For [3the 4boast 5of their power 1you 2are]; and by your benevolence [2shall be raised up high 1our horn]. 18For [2is of the 3 lord 1assistance], and of the holy one of Israel, our king. 19Then you spoke in a vision to your sons, and said, I put help upon a mighty one; raising up high a chosen one from out of my people. 20I found David my servant. [3with 5oil 4my holy 1I anointed 2him]. 21 For my hand shall be an aid to him; and my arm shall strengthen him. 22[2shall not 3derive benefit 1The enemy] by him; and the son of lawlessness shall not proceed to inflict evil on him. 23And I will cut down [2from 3in front 4of him 1his enemies]; and the ones detesting him shall be put to flight. 24And my truth and my mercy are with him; and in my name [2shall be raised up high 1his horn]. 25And I will set [2in 3the sea 1his hand], and [2in 3rivers 1his right hand]. 26He shall call upon me, saying, [2my father 1You are], my God, and the shielder of my deliverance. 27And I [3first-born 1will make 2him], high above the kings of the earth. 28Into the eon I shall guard to him my mercy; and my covenant is trustworthy to him. 29And I shall establish [2into 3the 4eon 5of the 6eon 1his seed], and his throne as the days of heaven. 30If [2should abandon 1his sons] my law, and [3by my judgments 1should not 2go]; 31if [2my ordinances 1they should profane], and [3my commandments 1should not 2keep]; 32then I will visit [2with 3a rod 1their lawlessnesses]; and [2with 3whips 1their iniquities]. 33 But my mercy in no way should I efface from them, nor in any way should I wrong in my truth; 34nor in any way should I profane my covenant; and the things going forth through my lips in no way should I annul. 35Once I swore by an oath by my holiness; shall I lie to David, no. 36 His seed [2into 3the 4eon 1shall abide], and his throne as the sun before me; 37and as the moon being readied into the eon, and the [2witness 3in 4heaven 1trustworthy]. PAUSE. 38But you thrusted away and treated with contempt. You raised your anointed one. 39You eradicated the covenant of your servant. You profaned in the land of his sanctuary. 40You demolished all his barriers. You made his fortresses dreaded. 41[5plundered 6him 1All 2the ones 3traveling through 4the way]. He became scorn to his neighbors. 42You raised up high the right hand of the ones afflicting him; you made glad all his enemies. 43You turned back the help of his broadsword, and did not assist him in battle. 44You rested from cleansing him. [2his throne 3unto 4the 5ground 1You broke down]. 45You diminished the days of his throne. You poured upon him shame. 46For how long, O lord, will you turn away -- to the end? Will [2burn 3as 4fire 1your anger]? 47Remember what my reality is; for acting in folly, did you creat all the sons of men? 48Who is the man who shall live and not see death? Shall he rescue his own soul from out of the hand of Hades? PAUSE. 49Where are [3mercies 1your 2ancient], O lord, which you swore by an oath to David in your truth? 50Remember, O lord, the scorning of your servants! which I underwent in my bosom, of many nations; 51where [2berated 1your enemies], O lord, where they berated the equivalent of your anointed one. 52Blessed be the lord into the eon. May it be. May it be.
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