‏ Romans 9


Paul's Grief for His Brethren

1[2truth 1I speak] in Christ, I do not lie, (bearing witness with me is my conscience in [2spirit 1holy],) 2that [2distress 3is with me 1great], and continual grief in my heart. 3For I would make a vow, I myself, to be anathema from the Christ for my brethren, of my relatives according to flesh; 4the ones who are Israelites, whom is the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the legislation, and the service, and the promises, 5whom are the fathers, and of whom the Christ came according to flesh, the one being over all -- God blessed into the eons. Amen. 6[2not 3such as 1But] that [4has fallen 1the 2word 3of God]; for not all the ones of Israel are these Israel; 7and not that [3are 4seed 5of Abraham 1all 2children]; but, In Isaac [2shall be called 3to you 1a seed]. 8That is to say, not the children of the flesh are these children of God; but the children of the promise are imputed for seed. 9For of promise is this word, According to this time I will come, and [2will be 3to Sarah 1a son]. 10[2not 3only this 1And], but also Rebecca from out of one marriage-bed had Isaac our father 11(for not yet being born, nor having done anything good or bad, that [3according to 4choice 2of God 1the intention] should abide, not from works, but of the one calling), 12and it was said to her that, The greater shall serve the lesser. 13As it has been written, Jacob I loved, but Esau I detested. 14What then shall we say? There is no injustice with God? May it not be. 15 For to Moses he says, I will show mercy on whom ever I should show mercy, and I shall pity whom ever I should pity. 16So then it is not of the one wanting, nor of the one running, but of the showing mercy of God. 17[4says 1For 2the 3scripture] to Pharaoh that, For this same thing I awakened you, so that I should demonstrate in you my power, and so that I should declare my name in all the earth. 18So then whom he wants, he shows mercy; but whom he wants, he hardens. 19You will say then to me, Why yet does he complain? For [3his will 1who 2has opposed]? 20Certainly, O man, [3you 1who 2are] the one answering to God? Shall [3say 1the 2thing shaped] to the one shaping, Why have you made me thus? 21Or has not [3authority 1the 2potter] of the clay, from out of the same batch, to make the one indeed for [2of honor 1a vessel], and the other for dishonor? 22And if God wanting to demonstrate the wrath, and to make known his might, he bore with much leniency vessels of wrath being readied for destruction; 23and that he should make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory, 24whom also he called us not only from out of Jews, but also from out of the nations, 25(as also in Hosea he says, I will call the one not my people, My people; and the one not being loved, One being loved; 26and it will be in the place where it was said to them, [2not 3my people 1You are], there they shall be called Sons of the living God; 27and Isaiah cries out over Israel, saying, Though [6should be 1the 2number 3of the 4sons 5of Israel] as the sand of the sea, the vestige shall be preserved,) 28[3a reckoning 1for 2completing], and rendering it concise in righteousness; that [4reckoning 3a concise 2will make 1the Lord] upon the earth. 29And as Isaiah described before, Unless the Lord of Hosts left behind for us a seed, [2as 3Sodom 1we would have become], and as Gomorrah we would be like. 30What then shall we say? That nations, the ones not pursuing righteousness, overtook righteousness; but righteousness, the one of belief. 31But Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, [2unto 3the law 4of righteousness 1attained not]. 32Why? Because it was not of belief, but as of works of law. For they stumbled against the stone of stumbling; 33as it has been written, Behold, I put in Zion a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence; and every one trusting upon him shall not be disgraced.
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